Читать книгу The Retreat - By Sam Marie and Daniel B - Страница 11

Katie’s Journal Entry


I was thinking about that wonderful kiss. I remember the words from my family, and from the nuns. “Stay away from boys, they are trouble”. I wonder if what I did was wrong. I walked down to the cells last night while everyone was sleeping. I looked in each one closely, then war things and laid down on the bench. I am not sure what possessed me to look under the bench, but I did. In the dark and covered in dust, I was able to see something was under there. I crouched down next to the bench and ran my hand under it. I pulled out something that felt stringy and dusty, it had a handle. I shook it and realized under the dust that it was an old flogger. I shook more of the dust off it then inspected the tails on it. It seemed to be made of leather, it was old dry and seemed so worn out; but I wanted to try it and see what it’s like.

Maybe I should try it a little, as a preventive measure, just in case I did something wrong by kissing Alex, right? If that kiss felt that good, maybe it was a sin. Not sure about it, but maybe just to be on the safe side. I took it and slapped my thigh with it right under the hem of my skirt. Ouch! But hmm, it felt kind of alright afterward. I took my shirt off and tried to figure out how the heck they managed to hit their back. I swung it once over my shoulder. Nope, missed, and made me giggle a bit. I tried again, over the right shoulder instead. That worked fine, it stings a bit, but it’s alright. I kept doing that for a while, but kept hitting harder. I was now trying to see how hard I could do this. It didn’t feel bad at all, how was this punishment? The belt from hell was punishment, that was horrid! I had a little more fun with this new toy, then put the flogger back under the bench, but pushed it a little further so it was out of sight, for possible further use. What a strange, and unreal experience, I must be some kind of monster, otherwise I would have hated it, right?

The Retreat

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