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What Is Veganism?

Veganism—a word coined by English animal-rights activist Donald Watson and his Vegan Society cofounders in 1944—is a lifestyle and philosophy dedicated to avoiding animal products as much as possible. As well as addressing very serious concerns regarding personal health and environmental sustainability, veganism promotes an awareness of the ways in which humans exploit our fellow sentient creatures for food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research. Being vegan means removing yourself from this system of cruelty and domination.

I also want to share the most direct and heart-centered explanation of veganism I’ve ever seen (which I quote from one of

@the_vegan_soldier’s Instagram captions):

Vegans measure the worth of life by the existence of life and the will to continue that life. Wanting to live makes a species worthy of living.

We humans can’t exist without inadvertently causing suffering and death in some form—the crow who flies into the windshield, the insects and other organisms we crush underfoot—but we don’t have to do it on purpose.

A Bright Clean Mind

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