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try this

If you’re not sure whether or not to believe me

set aside 15 minutes and try this exercise:

1. Find a magazine.

2. Flick through and pick a photograph of a

scene. Any type of scene is fine.

3. What did the photo make you think and

feel when you first saw it?

4. Now get into literal mode and write down

everything the picture is communicating.

I mean EVERYTHING. What can you see, what

size are the objects? What are they doing?

Are they interacting with each other or with

you? Make a note of colour, emotion, feelings,

the weather, the lighting, the placement

of objects. Be as thorough as you can — I

promise I’ll only make you do this once!

Did you fill one paragraph? Three? More?? All

of that information. That detail and minutiae,

those feelings and emotions, the message

the photographer wanted to convey…all of

that you pretty much picked up in a couple

of seconds of looking at the image. You saw

it, you interpreted it and you made sense of it.

You can get a sense of a visual scene in less

than 1/10 of a second.


That is pretty powerful

stuff, especially when a study from Microsoft

revealed we now have an attention span

shorter than a goldfish.


Draw a Better Business

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