Читать книгу Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results - Carole Gaskell - Страница 17

My Agreement to Transform my Life


I …………………… am committed to transforming my life. I understand I will get as much out of the process as I put into it and that it’s up to me to create my own value from each of the steps. I acknowledge that a lot will be asked of me. I am willing to experiment with changing my behaviour, trying new things, reassessing the assumptions and perceptions I hold, setting goals that are bigger, removing sources of stress in my life and starting to redesign the way I spend my time. I agree to complete the assignments to the best of my ability and to take action on the plans I write.

I commit to devoting …… hours/days/weeks to transforming my life

I will be honest with myself when the going gets tough and will ask for support when I realize I need it. Above all else I will relax, take time, progress at my own pace and enjoy the process.

Your signature here …………………………………………

Date ……………………………………………………

Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results

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