Читать книгу Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results - Carole Gaskell - Страница 23

Take Responsibility for your Life


We each hold our life in the palm of our hand. What we think, say and do from one minute to the next can have a dramatic impact on our own lives and the lives of those around us. At the end of the day we are all personally responsible for our own life – and to a great degree, it’s up to us to choose what we do with it. Accepting full responsibility for your life is the starting-point in the 10-step process. When you accept that you create your own world, your life really can open up before you. At times it can be tempting to blame other people or circumstances for what happens, but when you do this essentially you’re disempowering yourself, which doesn’t really get you anywhere. As your coach, I want you to choose to accept responsibility for all that happens to you in your life from now on – good or bad, positive or negative. Whilst you can’t determine the behaviour of those around you or influence natural disasters or acts of God, you can choose how you react to them. I want you to acknowledge that your behaviour is the result of your own choice.

Can you remember a specific time in your life when you took full responsibility? What were the circumstances? How did you feel?

What changes are you willing to make now to take more responsibility for your life going forward?

Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results

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