Читать книгу Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results - Carole Gaskell - Страница 26

Be Proactive


Being proactive means taking the initiative and not waiting for things to happen to you. People who are successful in life tend to be proactive – they are aware every day that the life they live is their own choice. It’s not so much what happens to you in life that’s important – it’s what you do with what happens. Equally, it’s not so much how you fall down that matters, but how you get up again!

As you embark on transforming your life, you’ll encounter many choices and will start to become a real expert in making decisions. The more choices you make, the easier things will become and the freer you’ll feel. Before you’ve finished reading this book, I want decision-making to be like falling off a log! But first, consider:

What are the main factors that you think are limiting the choices you have in your life?

Taking these factors into account, what changes could you make to become more proactive?

Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results

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