| PAGE |
1. | Diagram showing the “glancing surface” | 4 |
2. | Diagram showing the position of the lance in jousting, from Arch. Journ., LV. | 5 |
3. | Pauldrons on the statue of Colleoni, Venice, and of a Missaglia suit in the Waffensammlung, Vienna (Plate II) | 6 |
4. | The solleret, practical and unpractical | 6 |
5. | Horse-armour | 8 |
6. | Harnischmeister Albrecht, from a painting in the Arsenal, Vienna | 9 |
7. | Cuissard for the off hock of a horse. Musée Porte de Hal, Brussels | 10 |
8. | Arms of the Armourers’ Gild, Florence. From the Church of Or San Michele | 14 |
9. | S. George, by Hans Multscher, 1458. Augsburg | 14 |
10. | Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, arming. Brit. Mus., Cott., Jul., E, IV, fol. 12 b | 15 |
11. | The Westminster helm | 17 |
12. | The Brocas helm | 17 |
13. | The Fogge helm | 17 |
14. | The Barendyne helm | 17 |
15. | The Mail-maker, from Jost Amman’s Stande und Handwerker, circ. 1590 | 23 |
16. | The Armourer, from the same source as the above | 24 |
17. | Burring-machine or “jenny,” from the picture by Breughel given on the frontispiece | 36 |
18. | Method of making mail, from Arch. Journ., XXXVII | 45 |
19. | Representations of double and single mail, from the effigy of Robert de Mauley, formerly in York Minster, Archæologia, XXXI | 45 |
20. | The coif of mail, from the effigy of William, Earl of Pembroke, Temple Church, and an unnamed effigy in Pershore Church, Worcs, after Fairholt | 46 |
21. | Attachment of the camail, from the effigy of Sir R. Pembridge, Clehonger Church, Hereford | 46 |
22. | Attachment of the camail reconstructed | 46 |
23. | Suggested arrangement of “banded” mail, from Arch. Journ., XXXVII, figure from Romance of Alexander, Paris, Bib. Nat., circ. 1240, and the effigy at Newton Solney, Derbs. | 47 |
24. | Foot-soldier wearing a jack, from the Chasse of S. Ursula, by Memling, 1475–1485. Bruges. | 49 |
25. | Construction of jack, from Arch. Journ., XXXVII | 50 |
26. | Brigandine in the Waffensammlung, Vienna, No. 130 | 50 |
27. | Detail from the picture of S. Victor and donor, by Van der Goes, Glasgow | 51 |
28. | Effigy in Ash Church, Kent, XIV cent. | 51 |
29. | Statue of S. George at Prague, 1375 | 51 |
30. | The sliding rivet | 52 |
31. | Sections of brassards in the Tower | 54 |
32. | Locking gauntlet of Sir Henry Lee. Armourers’ Hall, London | 55 |
33. | Locking hooks, turning pins, and strap cover | 55 |
34. | Bracket for jousting-sallad. Dresden, C, 3, 4 | 57 |
35. | Detail showing proof mark on the breast of suit of Louis XIV. Paris, G, 125 | 69 |
36. | Proof marks on a brigandine plate in the Darmstadt Museum | 71 |
37. | Poleynes on the brass of Sir Robert de Bures, Acton, Suffolk, 1302 | 74 |
38. | Beinbergs on the statue of Guigliemo Berardi, 1289, in the Cloisters of the Church of the Annunziata, Florence | 74 |
39. | Brass of an unknown knight at Laughton, Lincs, 1400 | 75 |
40. | Pourpointed cuisses, from the brass of Sir John de Argentine, Horseheath Church, Cambs, 1360 | 83 |
41. | Padded horse-armour, from King René’s Traicté d’un Tournois | 85 |
42. | Padded “harnische-kappe” and helm showing the attachment of the cap, after Dürer | 89 |
43. | Sallad-cap, from a picture by Paolo Morando, 1486–1522, No. 571. Uffizi Gallery, Florence | 89 |
44. | Helmet-cap, from a XVI-cent. engraving of Jacob Fugger | 89 |
45. | Detail of eyelet coats, XVI-XVII cent. Musée d’Artillerie and Musée Cluny, Paris | 91 |
46. | Sallad with cover, from a XVI-cent. engraving | 93 |
47. | Cuirass, from the sketch-book of Willars de Honecourt, XIII cent. | 96 |
48. | Leather gauntlet, XVII cent. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford | 96 |
49. | Brassard of leather and cord for the tourney, from King René’s Traicté d’un Tournois | 97 |
50. | Leather and steel hat of Bradshaw the regicide. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford | 99 |
51. | Stripping the dead, from the Bayeux Tapestry | 105 |
52. | Knight arming, from the Livre des Nobles Femmes, Bib. Nat., Paris, XIV cent. | 105 |
53. | Brass of Sir John de Creke, 1325, Westley Waterless, Cambs. | 106 |
54. | Arming-points, from the portrait of a navigator. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford | 108 |
55. | Attachment of brassard, from the portrait of the Duc de Nevers. Hampton Court Palace | 108 |
56. | Moton attached by points. Harl. MS. 4826 | 109 |
57. | Arming-points on the foot, from a picture of S. Demetrius by Ortolano. National Gallery, London | 109 |
58. | Sixteenth-century suit of plate with the several parts named in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish | 110 |
59. | Attachment of jousting-helms to the cuirass | 112 |
60. | Side view of the above | 112 |
61. | The armourer in the lists. Heralds’ Coll., MS. M, 6, fol. 56 | 113 |
62. | Arms of the Armourers’ Company of London | 120 |
63. | Design on a gauntlet of the suit made for Henry, Prince of Wales, by William Pickering, circ. 1611. Windsor Castle | 122 |
64. | Mark of Bernardino Cantoni on a brigandine, C, II. Real Armeria, Madrid | 133 |
65. | Detail of shield by Desiderius Colman (Plate XXIV) | 135 |
66. | Capital formerly in the Via degli Spadari, Milan, showing the mark of the Missaglia family | 138 |
67. | Design on the left cuisse of Henry VIII’s suit, made by Conrad Seusenhofer. Tower of London, II, 5 | 141 |
68. | Design by Jacobe Topf for gauntlet and armet of Sir Henry Lee, from the Armourer’s Album. Victoria and Albert Museum | 146 |
69. | Design on the breast of Sir Henry Lee’s suit by Topf. Armourers’ Hall, London | 146 |