Читать книгу The armourer and his craft from the XIth to the XVIth century - Charles John Ffoulkes - Страница 4



Table of Contents

1. Diagram showing the “glancing surface” 4
2. Diagram showing the position of the lance in jousting, from Arch. Journ., LV. 5
3. Pauldrons on the statue of Colleoni, Venice, and of a Missaglia suit in the Waffensammlung, Vienna (Plate II) 6
4. The solleret, practical and unpractical 6
5. Horse-armour 8
6. Harnischmeister Albrecht, from a painting in the Arsenal, Vienna 9
7. Cuissard for the off hock of a horse. Musée Porte de Hal, Brussels 10
8. Arms of the Armourers’ Gild, Florence. From the Church of Or San Michele 14
9. S. George, by Hans Multscher, 1458. Augsburg 14
10. Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, arming. Brit. Mus., Cott., Jul., E, IV, fol. 12 b 15
11. The Westminster helm 17
12. The Brocas helm 17
13. The Fogge helm 17
14. The Barendyne helm 17
15. The Mail-maker, from Jost Amman’s Stande und Handwerker, circ. 1590 23
16. The Armourer, from the same source as the above 24
17. Burring-machine or “jenny,” from the picture by Breughel given on the frontispiece 36
18. Method of making mail, from Arch. Journ., XXXVII 45
19. Representations of double and single mail, from the effigy of Robert de Mauley, formerly in York Minster, Archæologia, XXXI 45
20. The coif of mail, from the effigy of William, Earl of Pembroke, Temple Church, and an unnamed effigy in Pershore Church, Worcs, after Fairholt 46
21. Attachment of the camail, from the effigy of Sir R. Pembridge, Clehonger Church, Hereford 46
22. Attachment of the camail reconstructed 46
23. Suggested arrangement of “banded” mail, from Arch. Journ., XXXVII, figure from Romance of Alexander, Paris, Bib. Nat., circ. 1240, and the effigy at Newton Solney, Derbs. 47
24. Foot-soldier wearing a jack, from the Chasse of S. Ursula, by Memling, 1475–1485. Bruges. 49
25. Construction of jack, from Arch. Journ., XXXVII 50
26. Brigandine in the Waffensammlung, Vienna, No. 130 50
27. Detail from the picture of S. Victor and donor, by Van der Goes, Glasgow 51
28. Effigy in Ash Church, Kent, XIV cent. 51
29. Statue of S. George at Prague, 1375 51
30. The sliding rivet 52
31. Sections of brassards in the Tower 54
32. Locking gauntlet of Sir Henry Lee. Armourers’ Hall, London 55
33. Locking hooks, turning pins, and strap cover 55
34. Bracket for jousting-sallad. Dresden, C, 3, 4 57
35. Detail showing proof mark on the breast of suit of Louis XIV. Paris, G, 125 69
36. Proof marks on a brigandine plate in the Darmstadt Museum 71
37. Poleynes on the brass of Sir Robert de Bures, Acton, Suffolk, 1302 74
38. Beinbergs on the statue of Guigliemo Berardi, 1289, in the Cloisters of the Church of the Annunziata, Florence 74
39. Brass of an unknown knight at Laughton, Lincs, 1400 75
40. Pourpointed cuisses, from the brass of Sir John de Argentine, Horseheath Church, Cambs, 1360 83
41. Padded horse-armour, from King René’s Traicté d’un Tournois 85
42. Padded “harnische-kappe” and helm showing the attachment of the cap, after Dürer 89
43. Sallad-cap, from a picture by Paolo Morando, 1486–1522, No. 571. Uffizi Gallery, Florence 89
44. Helmet-cap, from a XVI-cent. engraving of Jacob Fugger 89
45. Detail of eyelet coats, XVI-XVII cent. Musée d’Artillerie and Musée Cluny, Paris 91
46. Sallad with cover, from a XVI-cent. engraving 93
47. Cuirass, from the sketch-book of Willars de Honecourt, XIII cent. 96
48. Leather gauntlet, XVII cent. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 96
49. Brassard of leather and cord for the tourney, from King René’s Traicté d’un Tournois 97
50. Leather and steel hat of Bradshaw the regicide. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 99
51. Stripping the dead, from the Bayeux Tapestry 105
52. Knight arming, from the Livre des Nobles Femmes, Bib. Nat., Paris, XIV cent. 105
53. Brass of Sir John de Creke, 1325, Westley Waterless, Cambs. 106
54. Arming-points, from the portrait of a navigator. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 108
55. Attachment of brassard, from the portrait of the Duc de Nevers. Hampton Court Palace 108
56. Moton attached by points. Harl. MS. 4826 109
57. Arming-points on the foot, from a picture of S. Demetrius by Ortolano. National Gallery, London 109
58. Sixteenth-century suit of plate with the several parts named in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish 110
59. Attachment of jousting-helms to the cuirass 112
60. Side view of the above 112
61. The armourer in the lists. Heralds’ Coll., MS. M, 6, fol. 56 113
62. Arms of the Armourers’ Company of London 120
63. Design on a gauntlet of the suit made for Henry, Prince of Wales, by William Pickering, circ. 1611. Windsor Castle 122
64. Mark of Bernardino Cantoni on a brigandine, C, II. Real Armeria, Madrid 133
65. Detail of shield by Desiderius Colman (Plate XXIV) 135
66. Capital formerly in the Via degli Spadari, Milan, showing the mark of the Missaglia family 138
67. Design on the left cuisse of Henry VIII’s suit, made by Conrad Seusenhofer. Tower of London, II, 5 141
68. Design by Jacobe Topf for gauntlet and armet of Sir Henry Lee, from the Armourer’s Album. Victoria and Albert Museum 146
69. Design on the breast of Sir Henry Lee’s suit by Topf. Armourers’ Hall, London 146
The armourer and his craft from the XIth to the XVIth century

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