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Table of Contents

Venus at the Forge of Vulcan, by Jan Breughel and Hendrik van Balen, circ. 1600. Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin Frontispiece
I. Armour for the “Stechzeug,” XV-XVI cent. Germanische Museum, Nuremberg 4
II. Armour of the fifteenth century exemplified by the effigy of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, S. Mary’s Church, Warwick, cast by Bartholomew Lambspring and Will Austin, circ. 1454, from Blore’s Monumental Remains. S. George, by Andrea Mantegna, 1431–1506, Accademia, Venice. Armour of Roberto di Sanseverino, by Antonio da Missaglia, circ. 1480; Waffensammlung, Vienna, No. 3 8
III. A Contrast. Armour of Count Sigismond of Tirol, 1427–1496; Waffensammlung, Vienna, No. 41. Armour of Louis XIV, by Garbagnus, 1668; Musée d’Artillerie, Paris, G, 125 12
IV. Armourers at work, Brit. Mus., Roy. MS. 16, G, v, fol. II. Wood-carving of Duke William of Aquitaine, XV cent., S. William’s Church, Strasburg. Venus and Vulcan, XIII cent., Königl. Bib., Berlin, Codex MS. Germ., fol. 282, p. 79 16
V. Anvils in the British Museum (Burges Bequest) and in the possession of Mme. Bellon, Avignon 20
VI. The Workshop of Conrad Seusenhofer, from the Weisz Künig, by Hans Burgmair, 1525 24
VII. Armour of Kurfürst Moritz, by Matthäus Frauenpreis, 1548. Königl. Hist. Museum, Dresden, G, 39 28
VIII. Armour of Henry VIII for fighting on foot in the lists. Tower of London, II, 28 32
IX. Italian brassard (front and back), cuisse, 1470; Ethnological Museum, Athens. Inside of leg-armour of suit shown on Plate VIII 36
X. Helmets of Henry VIII; Tower of London. (1, 2) Made by one of the Missaglia family; II, 29. (3, 4) Made by Conrad Seusenhofer, 1514. (5) Bevor for the latter; II, 5. The last three numbers form part of the suit shown on Plate XII 40
XI. Brigandine (inside and outside), XV cent.; Musée d’Artillerie, Paris, G, 204, 205. Breast-plate of a brigandine, 1470; Ethnological Museum, Athens. Right cuisse of suit for fighting on foot in the lists, early XVI cent.; Musée d’Artillerie, Paris, G, 178 44
XII. “Engraved Suit,” by Conrad Seusenhofer, presented to Henry VIII by the Emperor Maximilian I, 1514. Tower of London, II, 5 48
XIII. Helmet of Sir Henry Lee, by Jacobe Topf, 1530–1597. Tower of London, IV, 29 52
XIV. Armour of King Sebastian of Portugal, by Anton Peffenhauser, 1525–1603. Pageant armour of Charles V, by Bartolomeo Campi, 1546. Real Armeria, Madrid, A, 290, 188 56
XV. Alegoria del Tacto, by Jan Breughel. Prado, Madrid 60
XVI. Venetian sallad, XVI cent.; Bayerischen National Museum, Munich. Back-plate of a brigandine, 1470; Ethnological Museum, Athens. Morion, XVI-XVII cent.; Stibbert Collection, Florence. Surcoat of the Black Prince; Canterbury Cathedral 64
XVII. Cast of ivory chessman, XIV cent. The original of this was in the possession of the Rev. J. Eagles in 1856, but has since disappeared. Ivory mirror-case showing squires arming their masters, XIV cent. Carrand Collection, Museo Nationale, Florence 68
XVIII. Portraits of two unknown noblemen, by Moroni, 1510–1578, showing the arming-doublet and mail sleeves. National Gallery, London 72
XIX. Helm for fighting on foot in the lists, XVI cent. It formerly hung over the tomb of Sir Giles Capel, in Raynes Church, Essex, and was sold as old iron to Baron de Cosson, from whom it passed to the collection of the Duc de Dino, and from thence to the Metropolitan Museum, New York. Arming a knight for combat in the lists, from a MS. of the XV cent., in the possession of Lord Hastings 76
XX. Armour of Henry, Prince of Wales, son of James I, by William Pickering, 1591–1630, Master of the Armourers’ Company of London. Royal Armoury, Windsor Castle 80
XXI. Suit of “puffed and slashed” armour, circ. 1520; formerly in the Meyrick Collection; Wallace Collection, No. 380. Tonlet suit for fighting on foot in the lists, by Conrad Lochner, 1510–1567; Musée d’Artillerie, Paris, G, 182. Armour of Ruprecht von der Pfalz, circ. 1515; Waffensammlung, Vienna, No. 198 84
XXII. Gauntlets. (1, 2) Left and right hand gauntlets, probably by Jacobe Topf, 1530–1597; Tower, II, 10. (3) Bridle gauntlet of James I; Tower, II, 24. (4) Left-hand gauntlet, XV cent.; Madrid, E, 87. (5) Locking gauntlet, XVI cent.; Tower, III, 59. (6) Left-hand bridle gauntlet, XVI cent.; Tower, III, 95. (7) Left-hand gauntlet of Kurfürst Christian II, by Heinrich Knopf, circ. 1590; Dresden, E, 7. (8) Left-hand gauntlet for fighting on foot at barriers, XVI cent.; Tower, III, 58. (9) Gorget of Kurfürst Johann Georg II, showing the Garter badge and motto, by Jacob Joringk, 1669; Dresden, D, 29 88
XXIII. Armour for horse and man, middle of XV cent. Musée d’Artillerie, Paris, G, 1 92
XXIV. Pageant shield, by Desiderius Colman, 1554. Real Armeria, Madrid, A, 241 96
XXV. Drawing by Jacobe Topf, 1530–1597, No. 15 in the Album in the Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, London 100
XXVI. Armour of Sir Christopher Hatton; formerly in the Spitzer Collection, now in the Royal Armoury, Windsor Castle 100
XXVII. Drawing by Jacobe Topf, from the same source as Plate XXV, 18 in the Album 104
XXVIII. Armour of Sir John Smith, by Jacobe Topf. Tower of London, II, 12 104
XXIX. (1) Armet, middle of the XVI cent.; Musée d’Artillerie, Paris, H, 89. (2) Armet, engraved and gilt with heavy reinforcing plates on the left side, end of XVI cent.; Paris, H, 108. (3) Helm from the tomb of Sir Richard Pembridge, Hereford Cathedral, circ. 1360. It was given by the Dean of Hereford to Sir Samuel Meyrick, and passed from him to Sir Noel Paton, and is now in the Museum at Edinburgh. (4) Parade casque, after Negroli, middle of XVI cent.; Musée d’Artillerie, Paris, H, 253. (5) Sallad, by one of the Negroli family, end of XV cent.; Real Armeria, Madrid, D, 13 108
XXX. Armour of Friedrich des Siegreichen, by Tomaso da Missaglia, circ. 1450; Waffensammlung, Vienna, No. 2. Armour, circ. 1460; Musée d’Artillerie, Paris, G, 5 112
XXXI. Portrait medal of Coloman Colman (Helmschmied), 1470–1532. Designs for saddle steel and visor, by Albert Dürer, 1517, from the Albertina, Vienna 116
The armourer and his craft from the XIth to the XVIth century

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