Читать книгу The armourer and his craft from the XIth to the XVIth century - Charles John Ffoulkes - Страница 7
ОглавлениеThe author desires to express his thanks for permission to reproduce illustrations contained in this work to the following:—
Viscount Dillon, Curator of the Tower Armouries; Mr. Guy Laking, M.V.O., King’s Armourer; M. Charles Buttin, Paris; Mr. Albert Calvert, London; The Society of Antiquaries; The Archæological Institute; The Burlington Fine Arts Club; The Curators of the Musée d’Artillerie, Paris; and of the Johanneum, Dresden; Messrs. Mansell and Co., Hanfstaengl, Griggs and Co., London; Sgi. Fratelli Alinari, Florence; Sig. Anderson, Rome; Herren Teufel, Munich; Löwy, Vienna (publishers of Boeheim’s Waffensammlungen); Moeser, Berlin (publishers of Boeheim’s Meister der Waffenschmiedkunst); Christof Müller, Nuremberg; Seeman, Leipzig (publishers of Boeheim’s Waffenkunde); and Sen. Hauser and Menet, Madrid.