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Table of Contents

Allgemeine Zeitung. Various vols.

Angellucci. Doccumenti inediti.

Antiquarian Repertory.

Archæologia. Various vols.

Archæological Journal. Various vols.

Archives Civiques de Lille.

Archives Camerales di Torino.

Armourers’ Company, London, Records of.

Beckman. History of Inventions. 1846.

Belleval, Marquis de. Costume Militaire Français de 1445.

Boeheim. Waffenkunde. 1890.

” Meister der Waffenschmiedekunst. 1897.

” Articles in Jahrbuch des Kunsthist. Sammlungen.

Boileau, Étienne. Livres des Métiers. Edit. 1837.

Buff, A. Augsburger Platner Allge. Zeit. 1892.

Buttin. Notes sur l’Épreuve. (Rev. Savoisienne, 1906, fasc. 4.)

” Le Guet de Genève. 1910.

Calendar of State Papers. Various entries.

Carteggio ined. artisti.

Cellini, Benvenuto. Arte Fabrile, Plon. 1883.

” ” Life, Cust. 1910.

Chambres des Comptes, Paris. Various entries, 1765.

Chronique de Bertrand du Guesclin. Edit. 1837.

City of London Letter Books.

Cosson, Baron de:—

Arch. Journ., XXXVII. Catalogue of Helmets and Mail.

” ” XLI. Gauntlets.

” ” XLVIII. Arsenals and Armouries of Southern Germany.

Catalogue of the Duc de Dino’s Collection.

Daniele, Père Gabriel. Hist. de la Milice Français. 1721.

Demmin. Guide des Amateurs d’Armes.

Dillon, Viscount:—

Archæologia, LI. Arms and Armour at Westminster, the Tower, and Greenwich. 1547.

” LI. Trial of Armour. 1590.

” LVII. Ordinances of Chivalry, XV cent.

Arch. Journ., XLIV. The Besague or Moton.

” ” XLVI. The Pasguard and the Volant Piece.

” ” LI. An Elizabethan Armourer’s Album, 1590.

” ” LV. Tilting in Tudor Times.

” ” LX. Armour Notes.

” ” LXV. Armour and Arms in Shakespeare.

” ” LXIX. Horse Armour.

An Almain Armourer’s Album, Introduction and Notes. 1905.

Dudley, Dud. Metallum Martis. 1665.

Essenwein. Die Helm. 1892.

Fauchet, Claude. Origines des Chevaliers, etc. 1610.

ffoulkes, Charles:—

Armour and Weapons. 1909.

Gaya’s Traité des Armes. 1911.

Arms and Armour at Oxford. 1912.

Archæologia, LXII, LXIII.

Arch. Journ., LXVIII.

Burlington Mag. April, 1911.

Connoisseur. June, Sept., Nov., 1909.

Zeitschrift für Historische Waffenkunde, V. 10.

Forestie. Livres des Comptes des Frères Bonis.

Garnier. L’Artillerie des Ducs de Bourgogne.

Gay. Glossaire Archéologique.

Gaya. Traité des Armes, 1687. (Edit. by C. ffoulkes.) 1911.

Gazette de Beaux Arts. Various articles.

Gelli, J. Guida del Amatore di Armi Antiche. 1900.

Gelli and Moretti. I Missaglia. 1903.

Giraud. Les Armuriers Français et Étrangers, 1898.

Gurlitt. Deutschen Turniere, Rüstungen und Plattner. 1889.

Gwynne, John. Memoirs of the Great Civil War. 1822 edit.

Hastings MS. Ordinances of Chivalry. (Archæologia, LVII.)

Hefner-Altneck. Tracten des Christlichen Mittelalters. 1840.

Herbert, William. Hist. of 12 Livery Companies of London. 1834–7.

Hewitt. Ancient Armour. 1855.

Holinshed, R. Chronicles

Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorische Sammlungen des Allerhöchster Kaiserhause. Various vols.

Langey. Discipline Militaire.

La Noue. Discours Politiques et Militaires, trans. by E. A. 1587.

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic, Record Office. Various entries.

Markham, G. Decades of Epistles of War. 1662. Souldiers’ Accidence. 1643.

Memorials of the Verney Family.

Mémoires de la Soc. Arch. de Touraine.

Meyrick. Antient Armour.

Montgomery. Milice Français.

Morigia. Hist. dell’ Antichita di Milano.

Oliver de la Marche. Memoirs, etc. 1616 edit.

Ordonnances des Métiers de Paris.

Ordonnances des Rois.

Patent Office, London, Records of.

Pennant. History of London.

Pelegrini. Di un Armajuolo Bellunese. Arch. Venez., X.

René. Traicté d’un Tournoi.

Revue Savoisienne. Various vols.

Rogers, J. Thorold. History of Agriculture and Prices. 1866.

Rymer. Fœdera. Various entries.

Saulx-Tavannes. Mém. rel. à l’hist. de France, Vol. VIII. 1866.

Saxe, Marshal. Rêveries. Edit. 1756.

Scott, Sir S. History of the British Army.

Speculum Regale. Edit. 1768.

Smith, Sir John. Instructions and Orders Militarie. 1593. Discourses. 1590.

Sussex Archæological Journal. Various articles.

Walsingham. Historia Anglicana, Rolls Series.

Wardroom Accounts of Edward I. Soc. of Ant.

Zeitschrift für Historische Waffenkunde. Various articles.

Catalogues of Windsor Castle; the Tower; Wallace Collection; Rotunda, Woolwich; Musée d’Artillerie, Paris; Armeria Reale, Turin; Real Armeria, Madrid; Waffensammlung, Vienna; Zeughaus, Berlin; Porte de Hal, Brussels; Historische Museum, Dresden; Ashmolean and Pitt-Rivers Museums, Oxford; British Museum; etc. etc.

Articles in various Journals and Periodicals by Viscount Dillon, Baron de Cosson, Burgess, Waller, Way, Meyrick, Hewitt, ffoulkes, Boeheim, Angellucci, Beaumont, Buttin, Yriarte, Giraud.

Various MSS. from the British Museum; Bib. Nat., Paris; Königl. Bibliothek, Berlin; Bodleian Library; etc. etc.

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Lydgate, The hors, the shepe & the gosse, line 127

The armourer and his craft from the XIth to the XVIth century

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