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nurse leader insight


In this scenario, Maggie has not directly contacted the nurse manager. However, it is safe to assume that the nurse manager will be aware of the issue through other staff. At this point, the manager must address this issue with both Maggie and Alice. Because Maggie is angry and feeling betrayed, these emotions must be addressed. It is also important for Maggie and Alice to meet to discuss the situation.

Maggie may need some coaching to help her manage her intense feelings of anger and betrayal, while Alice needs coaching regarding her inability to keep information in confidence. Working on ways to re-establish trust is imperative not only to maintaining the relationship between the two nurses, but also to maintaining the integrity of the unit as a functioning whole. The manager’s role is not to get involved in the personal relationships of the staff, but to assist all staff in maintaining relationships that are professional and support the overall workings of the unit.

Assisting staff in recognizing the difference between professional and nonprofessional communication is crucial and must be reinforced in circumstances like this one. It is important for the manager to help Alice understand that this indiscretion makes others question her ability to keep information confidential. Confidentiality is essential in healthcare settings.

–Melissa Snyder

This situation provides a good opportunity to apply rules protecting patient privacy to standards we set for coworkers. If the facts of this situation were slightly different, Alice would have violated HIPAA laws about privacy of information.

Respecting a person’s request for confidentiality is part of a trust relationship, and trust is integral to teamwork. Team-building and morale activities can help everyone move forward with a better understanding of ways to support and respect each other.

The influence of body language as part of communication is important. Something as subtle as rolling your eyes or sighing loudly can turn a neutral message negative.

If the opportunity presented itself, I might also have a conversation with Alice or Maggie to see whether the relationship between them can be repaired. There’s no way to undo the damage, but it might be possible to forgive and move on.

–Cheryl Dellasega

Toxic Nursing, 2nd Ed

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