Читать книгу Synergy Strategic Planning - Chris Alexander - Страница 13

The Exercise


In your respective chosen groups, begin by writing out a vision statement, followed by carefully choosing a clear set of core values and the goals needed to make them a reality. I recommend that each participant begin by writing out a personal vision statement, a personal set of work-related values and broad-based goals and then from the combination of these three, construct a personal mission statement. Personal mission statements should then be shared as input to form a first draft internal vision, values, and goals statement for their group. Further on in this chapter is a series of well-constructed questions provided to assist groups in defining their draft statements. Once each group has concluded this foundational work, construction of a draft mission statement can be completed. A high level of patience is required, and time should be taken to think through each step. A mission statement becomes real or fictitious, depending on whether or not the group can live up to it.

Draft mission statements from all groups are forwarded to and consolidated by a designated mission statement team who then proceeds to construct an overall synergized “shared destiny” internal statement.

After a final review by all participants it can be posted throughout the organization via internal emails, communications, and Intranet. Now the work of company-wide ownership begins. Successful buy–in requires building daily awareness, and a high level of communication is paramount. All education and training should be designed to help employees understand their role in the attainment of the mission. All organizational improvement needs to be supported with measurement, alignment of systems, reward, and reinforcement. As the team progresses and success is achieved internally—and ownership is apparent—an external mission statement can be considered, but don’t stray from your core beliefs. Your strength and power is in the authenticity and the integrity of company-wide ownership.

Below are the four strategic steps that form the basis for the construction of an internal mission statement:

Figure 3. Synergy Internal Mission Steps.

Synergy Strategic Planning

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