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The Enemies of Trust


In Buddhism, one of the core doctrines is titled The Three Poisons. These are greed, hatred, and delusion. Besides the negative karmic effect of these three poisons, they also form the basis for a lack of trust and are the roots of dishonest thoughts. Greed of any sort, even greed of knowledge, diminishes your authenticity. You become unbalanced. Hatred brings about vengeful thoughts, which in turn lead to duality and dishonesty. Delusion, within itself, cannot be trusted. Many of our fears and paranoia stem from over active imaginations.

The way to be trusted and to trust others is to follow the Golden Rule: “In everything, do unto others as you would have them do unto you; for this is the law of the prophets.” –Jesus of Nazareth.

False fronts and facades produce insincere energy transference. What we think affects how we feel, which plays out in our body language and nonverbal communication.

If someone is untrustworthy, their next consideration is power and control over others. If an untrustworthy person has power, the collapse of an organization is inevitable and employees, investors, and even industries get hurt.

The FBI continually conducts investigations into corporate fraud matters. The 2008 sub-prime lending crisis devastated individuals and companies and put the world economy into a tail spin. History has demonstrated that a workplace that is secretive and duplicitous can teach people to become untrustworthy; but if character is taught in childhood, it remains the same across most situations. Being trustworthy is demonstrated in one’s behavior and actions. It is a state of one’s character, and in the workplace character and trusting relationships are essential ingredients for long-term success.

If you hire for character and train for skills, you’ll have a good chance of establishing a workplace filled with trustworthy people.

In the final analysis, trust is the most valuable asset we have. It is having the courage and inner strength to stay away from being deceitful, cheating, stealing, betraying, and speaking with a forked tongue. It is having an inner resolve that is based on respect and love for ourselves and others. Our behavior is the end result of what we believe to be the truth. If our truth is that we respect another person’s property and life, we will not abuse, use, break, or consider taking them.

Hire for character and train for skills!

Synergy Team Power

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