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Be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.

Response-ability: The ability to answer for one’s conduct and obligations. To be accountable, to be trustworthy. A moral obligation to do one’s duty.

Trustworthiness is established with internal and external customers by the level of responsibility shown to your job. If you say you are going to do something, you will be measured by your word and your responsiveness to execute precisely what you said you will do.

Trust compounds and grows every time you demonstrate your responsibility. Trust diminishes rapidly with unreliability. People unwittingly test one another on the principles and the values that sustain an ethical and moral society. Even dishonest people use these principles as measures of trust.

Teams must be responsible, reliable, and held accountable for their performance. Teams are not designed to be a forum for justification and excuses. If a goal has not been achieved, the first step is measurement and analysis to determine margins of error. Then the team can problem-solve to find solutions to reduce the margins of error and move forward with a re-implementation plan of the best alternatives.

Synergy Team Power

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