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Physical Store


In a physical channel, such as a store, you can begin identifying your touchpoints as you did online by simply exploring. For Target, you can begin in the parking lot and find your way to the pharmacy. Is there signage or other wayfinding touchpoints to show you the way? Is there a store map? Are people there to assist? Are there pathways on the floor?

Observing customers and employees interact will also help you break down what exists in the space to support customer needs. Begin with building a list of the objects you see in the environment.3 Within a few minutes of observing service in a CVS Pharmacy at Target, you can observe these touchpoints (and many more):

• Wayfinding signage

• A drop-off area

• A pickup area

• An order conversation

• A status conversation

• A bin with filled prescriptions organized by letter of last name

• Pill bottles with labels

• A digital signature component

• Rewards program marketing signage


I often make identifying and cataloging touchpoints a group effort. For example, on a service experience strategy engagement with a public library system, I tasked key members of the library staff to catalogue the staff, touchpoints, activities, qualities, and types of customers at different branches. Each staff member was given a template to capture what he or she discovered through observation and experiencing of the libraries’ services personally.

Distributing the inventory had several benefits. One was speed. We could pull together in a few days a great first pass. Just as important, the staff gained immediate experience in understanding what touchpoints were and which ones stood out in the current experience. By capturing them in a common template, my team was able to review and refine the inventory quickly. We then created a game (see Figure 2.12) in which participants determined which touchpoints to take into the future and what new touchpoints would be needed to serve customers better.


FIGURE 2.12 Playing with touchpoints and other elements that make up a current experience.

Orchestrating Experiences

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