Читать книгу Reality Is Just an Illusion - Chuck Sr. Coburn - Страница 15

Waking the Snake


Those who study the dream state have discovered that we are unable to move our bodies during an intense dream or nightmare due to our bodies' natural secretion of a paralyzing chemical. My ayahuasca­altered state of consciousness was definitely dream-like in that respect, having paralyzed my body even while I remained in full waking consciousness.

We were well into the healing before I realized that the snakes I was seeing were not in physical form. The shaman had just been brushing my body with a soft healing tool while shaking a rattle to accompany his continuous, consciousness-raising chanting. However, in spite of the fact that the reptiles existed only as a mental image, they were very real—on an experiential level.

I later realized that the snake imagery was a symbol of kundalini—latent spiritual energy that, when aroused, leads to enlightenment. Kundalini is depicted on the walls of ancient temples in Egypt as a serpent that lies coiled at the base of the spine in the primary chakra, known as the muladhara. When it is awakened, it begins to ascend through the chakra system, unleashing powers of awareness and enlightenment as it goes.

My snake had definitely awakened.

Reality Is Just an Illusion

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