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The World of Shamans, Ghosts and Spirit Guides

Chuck Coburn


Llewellyn Publications

Saint Paul, Minnesota 55164-0383, U.S.A.

Reality Is Just an Illusion© 1999 by Chuck Coburn. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


Interior design, editing and typesetting: Kjersti Monson

Cover design: Michael Matheny

Cover photo: Susan Ruggiero

ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0282-6

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I was placed on my back

in pitch-black darkness...

I soon realized that I was being drawn into the shaman's state of awareness. Everything in the darkness began to feel strangely familiar while simultaneously remaining distant and foreign.

Then I saw them.

Snakes...a pit of a countless number of very large snakes, all slowly slithering and moving past each other....

The shaman touched my upper body and I was certain that he was about to put a live snake on my chest. My heart was beating rapidly now, busily pumping a full year's supply of adrenaline throughout my body in mere seconds. I was convinced that the shaman possessed the ability to read my mind and was about to confront my fear of snakes by the most direct means possible....

"In Reality Is Just an Illusion, Chuck Coburn takes his readers on a provocative world-wide tour in search of unorthodox wisdom. The touchstones of this voyage...are curiosity, spirituality, and humor."

—Dr. Stanley Krippner, Saybrook Institute,

Co-author, The Mythic Path

"This book describes the amazing personal experience which led former businessman Chuck Coburn into a full-time career as a professional psychic. Coburn recounts his odyssey in a very readable story which is both lighthearted and deeply moving."

—Robert Van de Castle, Professor Emeritus,

University of Virginia

"Humor is a wonderful teacher, and it is Chuck Coburn's ally in his appeal to develop our natural intuition and live more creative and passionate lives."

—Robert Moss, Author of Conscious Dreaming:

A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life

Also by the Author

Funny You Should Say That . . .

Seed Center, 1995

It is not uncommon to be apprehensive and fearful of new events and experiences as they suddenly challenge our otherwise complacent lives. It is this resistance to new and unfamiliar situations that often prohibits our growth.

This book is about confronting and dissipating the fear of opening to our inherent psychic abilities as we move into new levels of spirituality and metaphysical understanding.

With special thanks . . .

This book is dedicated to my good friend—let's call him Jack—as well as to all of my other friends and family members who read (and in some cases even bought) my last book—and, since then, have lobbied hard to get their names mentioned in this one . . .

. . . and to my Dad who had to leave before being able to read either.

Reality Is Just an Illusion

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