Читать книгу Reality Is Just an Illusion - Chuck Sr. Coburn - Страница 19

Understanding the Concept of One


The point that individual shamans from diverse cultures all over the world seem to be making is let go and be one.

•Let go of the pursuit of materialism. This unquenchable desire provides us merely with possessions we don't really need, and it ruins the rain forest, the environment, and the worldwide quality of life in the process.

•Let go of the ego. Once we reach "success,” it is inevitably never enough; there will always be a requirement for the unobtainable more.

•Let go of time restraints. By creating our self-imposed schedules, pressures, and the need to do more, we are missing the primal experience of being.

How often do we get caught up in the drama of attempting to be someone we're not? It is almost as if we're on stage, playing a character rather than being our authentic self. Shamans are only themselves, often not even knowing or caring about the day of the week or the time of day. They just are.

This is not to suggest that we need to alter our lifestyle dramatically. We are conditioned to the ways of the Western world. Its many wonderful comforts and benefits are built into our way of being. It is to say that we should slow down. We need to stop driving ourselves in pursuit of things and goals that can never provide us with a deeper understanding of who we are.

We must begin to redirect our energy to the unseen inner experience that our ignorance and fear prevent us from discovering. We must, if we are to find our true selves. We must, if the planet is to survive. After all, this incarnation is about resolving personal as well as planetary karma—learning our spiritual lessons and returning to One. The dwellers of the rain forest live within the harmony of oneness and have let go of all restrictive fear—not an undesirable goal if you think about it.

Reality Is Just an Illusion

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