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The Non-ordinary
Nature of Things


Shirl's and my search for spiritual knowledge led us to pursue new experiences and seek new teachers—our two primary purposes for this trip to Ecuador. Having been on our spiritual/psychic journey for some time, we had become increasingly aware that shamans, oracles, and mystics of numerous third world indigenous cultures were now making themselves available to those seeking to solicit their knowledge. Shirl and I felt that the understanding one could gain from this experience is essential for elevating individual spiritual awareness and assisting the planet with its healing.

The word shaman, originating from the Tungus tribe of Siberia, literally means "one who sees in the dark." Shamans are spiritual teachers and healers who are said to make journeys to non-ordinary reality while in an altered state of consciousness in order to remove, restore, transmute, or retrieve energy.

Shirl's fascination with shamans grew out of her exploration of alternative healing methods following the major illness of one of her children. My connection had developed through my fifteen years as a professional psychic and teacher. Together, we embarked on a spiritual worldwide quest, searching for others of like mind in Europe and Africa as well as North and South America. Our current trip to Ecuador was part of our unquenchable thirst for additional understanding regarding the metaphysical nature of things.

We were further motivated to seek this knowledge by the planetary age and time we'd both selected for our particular incarnations. Many authors have labeled the twentieth century as the so-called "new age,” a greatly overused and misunderstood term and one I have increasingly grown to dislike. Many diverse cultures have surprisingly similar legends relating to this era. Some have foretold of it, referring to people at the end of this century as travelers between two worlds.

These legends speak to. the anticipated expansion or quickening of planetary consciousness as we near the end of the millennium. Astrologically, it has been described as a shifting from the time of Pisces to Aquarius—from the "male" energy that began with the birth of Christ 2,000 years ago to an age of feminine and Goddess energy in which saving the planet and living in harmony with one another is the dominant ideology.

The consensus of this new age spiritual perspective suggests that our earth's human inhabitants are beginning to become aware of an energy shift—a time-warp sort of thing—wherein many are beginning to move into the next world, or four-dimensional reality. This event has been foretold by ancient civilizations such as the Hopi and Mayans as well as recognized psychics such as Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus. Our proof that these changes continue to occur is documented in numerous UFO sightings; geological changes such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and weather changes; and growing interest in the plethora of new age subjects.

Still, we as a culture are often unclear on how we can personally relate to these events. Who better to assist us in this transition than the "primitive" tribal spiritual leaders or shamans, who are in greatest harmony with nature and the natural order?

Although on one level I was being driven by some unnamed force to experience all that I could, I wasn't entirely sure that I was ready to complete this spiritual transformation. At age fifty-something, I was only recently getting a handle on this "ordinary reality" stuff. I was enjoying the fruits of retirement and the good life. For me, "roughing it" had long been defined as toughing it out when the air conditioning quit in my eight-year-old Porsche.

Life was good!

"But life is an illusion," claim various shamans, philosophers and tribal elders from differing spiritual walks of life. What they mean is that we do not discern reality as it truly is . . . or can be.

Reality Is Just an Illusion

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