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What Is a More on Method Box?

These boxes give a brief introduction to methods used to interpret the Hebrew Bible. They detail the sorts of questions that each method attempts to answer, give an example of how the method has been applied, and include a reference to an article or book with more information about the method under discussion.

Textual Criticism

Tradition History and Transmission History

African American Biblical Interpretation

Afrocentric and Womanist Interpretation

Source and Redaction Criticism

Feminist Criticism and History of Interpretation/Reception

The Joseph Story and Literary Approaches

Postcolonial Criticism

Trauma Studies and the Bible

Insights from History of Religions

Ecological Biblical Criticism

Form Criticism and Genre

African American Biblical Interpretation and the New Testament

Gender Criticism and Masculinity Studies

Cultural Criticism of the Bible

What Is in Special Topics Boxes?

These boxes offer extra information relevant to the broader discussion. Some pull together relevant dates for a period, while others show parallels between texts, or summarize information on a theme or question that relates to the topic at hand. This information is not optional or superfluous. Instead, these boxes highlight topics that are worth focused attention.

Contents of the Hebrew Bible/Tanakh/Old Testament

The Origins of Chapters and Verses11

AD, BC, BCE, and CE

Visualizing (the Possible Ancestors of) Ancient Israelites

The Name of Israel’s God: Yahweh/the LORD

The Name “Israel”

Archaeology and Problems of History Surrounding David, Solomon, and the Beginning of the Israelite Monarchy

Labels (e.g. “Psalm of David”): What They (Don’t) Tell Us

A View from the Assyrian Imperial Court: The Annals of Sennacherib

Hosea and the “Book of the Twelve Prophets”

Isaiah 6 and the “Call Narrative”

Overview: The Covenant Code and Deuteronomy

The Books of the Former and Latter Prophets

The Conquest and Ancient Holy War

Forced Labor for Exiles Under Nebuchadnezzar

The Divine Council

Traditions That Moses Wrote the Pentateuch

The Story of Jacob at Bethel as an Example of the Addition of Promise to an Older Story

More Information: The Gap Between Ancestors and Moses

J (the “Yahwistic source”), E (the “Elohistic source”), and the Documentary Hypothesis

Alternative Perspectives on Foreigners

The Emergence of “Judaism”

The Book of Judith (as an Example of a Hasmonean Text)

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: The Boy Jesus and His Superpowers

More on the Historical Jesus Search

Eschatology Versus Apocalypticism

The Structure of Paul’s Letters

Paul and Slavery

The Question of Circumcision

Changing Perspectives on Paul

Markan Priority

An Exorcism of Rome?

More on Messianic Secret

Jesus the “Son of Man”

Intercalation or the Markan “Sandwich”

A Glimpse of Life Under Roman Occupation

More About the Q Document

Gender and Matthew’s Genealogy (Matt 1:1–17)

Who Were the Pharisees?

Possessions and the Poor: A Lukan Puzzle

The Priene Calendar Inscription

Was There a Johannine Community?

Tacitus’s Account of Nero’s Persecution of Christians in Rome

A Contemporary Introduction to the Bible

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