Читать книгу A Contemporary Introduction to the Bible - Colleen M. Conway - Страница 9
Оглавление0.1 Scholarly edition of the same text as in Figure 0.2.
0.2 One of our earliest manuscripts of the book of Isaiah.
1.1 Ancient visitors to Egypt from the East (Canaanite ancestors of Israelites?)
2.1 Part of the hill country of central Israel.
2.2 Typical pillared house of the Israelites.
2.3 Tablet containing a letter from Abdi-heba.
2.4 Merneptah stela
2.5 Animals feeding on trees.
3.1 Artist’s reconstruction of Solomon’s Jerusalem.
3.2 Scribe standing before the king of a small neighboring kingdom.
3.3 Student exercise tablet.
3.4 Letters inscribed into the surface of a stone.
3.5 The “Gezer Calendar.”
3.6 Copy of the Egyptian Instruction of Amenemope.
3.7 The stela of Hammurabi.
3.8 Titian’s painting of Adam and Eve taking the apple.
4.1 One of the ivory carvings found in Samaria.
4.2 Detail from a wall-sized panorama of the defeat of the town of Lachish in Judah.
4.3 Panel from the Black Obelisk of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III.
4.4 The Sennacherib prism.
4.5 Pillar figurines of a sort common in archaeological remains of the eighth century.
4.6 Drawing and inscription found at a desert trading post called Kuntillet Adjrud used by eighth-centuryIsraelites.
4.7 Judean seals from the time of Isaiah and Micah.
5.1 Seals and other images from the late seventhcentury.
6.1 Ashes and arrowheads left from the Babylonian attack on Jerusalem.
6.2 Reproduction of part of the magnificent temple of Ishtar.
6.3 Silver amulet, dating to just before the fall ofJerusalem.
7.1 Relief from the Persian capital of Persepolis.
7.2 The Cyrus cylinder.
8.1 Copy of the Hebrew book of Ben Sira found near the Dead Sea.
8.2 Coin from the time of the Hasmoneans.
9.1 Excavation of outer stairway and arches of the Jerusalem Temple.
9.2 Model of the Second Temple of Jerusalem.
9.3 Model of first-century CE Jerusalem.
9.4 The Forum of Augustus in Rome.
9.5 Parchment illustration of a scene from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas.
9.6 Wall painting of Moses from Dura Europos, third-century synagogue.
10.1 Remains of the Via Egnatia.
10.2 Doorways of shops in ancient Corinth.
10.3 Statue of Augustus.
10.4 Artist’s reconstruction of ancient Rome.
11.1 Silver shekel minted about 67 CE during the Jewish revolt.
11.2 Pillaging of the Jerusalem Temple depicted on the Arch of Titus.
11.3 “Judaea Capta” coin minted by Rome.
12.1 Two-source hypothesis.
12.2 Roman coin depicting Augustus subduing and ruling the earth.
13.1 Base of an honorific column in Rome showing the apotheosis of a second-century CE emperor and his wife.
13.2 Book cover dating to the fifth century CE and depicting the heavenly ascent of an emperor.
14.1 Papyrus with lines from the Gospel of John.
14.2 Medieval image of the church preferred over thesynagogue.
15.1 Fourth-century CE catacomb painting.
15.2 The whore of Babylon.
16.1 Bust of Constantine.
16.2 The Codex Sinaiticus.