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Bus and coach

Buses and coaches are the cheapest and best way to travel in Turkey. On most routes, you’ll need to buy your ticket in advance. Coaches are generally comfortable and refreshments are available at no extra charge. On long routes, coaches normally stop at a site where you can find food, toilets and souvenir shops. Most coach companies run free minibus services from the coach station at your destination to the city centre and other main local areas.

otobüs duraği o-to-bews doo-ra-uhbus stop
otogar o-to-garcoach station
bilet bee-letticket
yolcu otobüsü yol-djuh o-to-bews-oocoach
ring seferi ring se-fuhr-eeshuttle bus


Afedersiniz. Hangisi saat yedide İstanbul’a gidecek otobüs?

a-fe-der-see-neez. han-gee-see sa-at ye-dee-de ees-tan-boo-la gee-de-djek o-to-bews?

Excuse me. Which one is the 7 o’clock Istanbul bus?

İleride sağdaki/soldaki.

ee-le-ree-de saa-da-kee/sol-da-kee.

The one on the right/left.

Where is the coach station?Otogar nerede? o-to-gar ne-re-de?
Is there a bus to…?…otobüs var mı? …o-to-bews var muh?
Does it go to…?…gider mi? …gee-der mee?
the airporthavaalanına ha-va-a-la-nuh-nah
the beachplaja pla-zha
the centreşehir merkezine she-heer mer-ke-zee-ne
1 ticketbir bilet beer bee-let
2 ticketsiki bilet ee-kee bee-let
Is there a reduction for children?Çocuk indirimi var mı? cho-djook een-dee-ree-mee var muh?
When is the next bus?Bir sonraki otobüs saat kaçta? beer son-ra-kee o-to-bews sa-at kach-ta?

Otobüs yok o-to-bews yokThere is no bus
Taksi tutmanız gerek tak-see toot-ma-nuhz ge-rekYou must take a taxi
Collins Gem

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