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Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa and Adana are the only cities with over/underground metro systems at the moment. Istanbul also has an undersea rail tunnel which goes under the Bosphorus, called Marmaray, connecting the metro system on either side.

giriş gee-reeshentrance
çıkış chuh-kuhshway out

Where is the nearest metro station?En yakın metro istasyonu nerede? en ya-kuhn met-ro ees-tas-yo-noo ne-re-de?
How does the ticket machine work?Bilet otomatı nasıl çalışıyor? bee-let o-to-ma-tuh na-suhl cha-luh-shuh-yor?
Do you have a map of the metro?Metro haritası var mı? me-tro ha-ree-ta-suh var-muh?
How do I/we get to…?…nasıl gidebilirim? …na-suhl gee-de-bee-lee-reem?
Do I have to change?Hat değiştirecek miyim? hat de-eesh-tee-re-djek mee-yeem?
What is the next stop?Bir sonraki durak hangisi? beer son-ra-kee doo-rak han-gee-see?
Excuse me! I’m getting off hereAfedersiniz!/Pardon! İneceğim af-e-der-see-neez!/par-don! ee-ne-dje-eem
Collins Gem

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