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ОглавлениеOfficial taxis in Turkey are yellow. There are also mini cab services in major cities. Most taxis (taksi) have meters, but it’s wise to check the price before a long journey. In larger cities, you should give the exact address of the destination, and try to note landmarks too. Alternatively, there are dolmus, minibuses for journeys over short distances. The fare and destination will be displayed on the front window. You can get off anywhere on the route by shouting Musait bir yerde! (mew-sa-eet beer yer-de!) or İnebilirmiyim? (ee-nuhr-bee-leer-mee-yeem?)
Where can I get a taxi? | Nerede taksi bulabilirim? ne-re-de tak-see boo-la-bee-lee-reem? |
I want to go to… | …gitmek istiyorum …geet-mek ees-tee-yo-room |
How much is it? | Ne kadar? ne ka-dar? |
To the airport, please | Havaalanı, lütfen ha-va-a-la-nuh, lewt-fen |
To the beach, please | Plaja, lütfen pla-zha, lewt-fen |
Please stop here | Burada durun, lütfen boo-ra-da doo-roon, lewt-fen |
I’ve no change | Bozuğum yok bo-zoo-oom yok |
Keep the change | Üstü kalsın ews-tew kal-suhn |