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ОглавлениеHotels are rated from 1 to 5 stars, although unstarred hotels also exist. In tourist areas it’s easy to find a pansiyon or guesthouse. Breakfast will probably not be included in the room price. However, in tourist hotels and holiday resorts, breakfast is usually included – half board, full board and all-inclusive options are available.
Tek/çift kişilik bir oda istiyoruz
Tek/cheeft kee-shee-leek beer o-da ees-tee-yo-ruz
We would like to book a single/double room
Kaç gecelik?
Kach ge-dje-leek?
For how many nights?
Bir gece/iki gece/bir hafta için
Beer ge-dje/ee-kee ge-dje/beer haf-ta ee-cheen
For one night/two nights/one week
Do you have a room? | Boş odanız var mı? bosh o-da-nuhz var muh? |
I’d like… | …istiyorum …ees-tee-yo-room |
a single room | tek kişilik oda tek kee-shee-leek o-da |
a double room | çift kişilik oda cheeft kee-shee-leek o-da |
a cot | bebek yatağI be-bek ya-ta-uh |
with shower | duşlu doosh-loo |
with bath | banyolu ban-yo-loo |
How much is it per night? | Gecelik ücreti ne kadar? ge-dje-leek ewdj-re-tee ne ka-dar? |
1 night | bir gece beer ge-dje |
2 nights | iki gece ee-kee ge-dje |
I want a room on the ground floor | Zemin katta bir oda istiyorum ze-meen kat-ta beer o-da ees-tee-yo-room |
İsminiz, lütfen/Adınız lütfen ees-mee-neez, lewt-fen/a-duh-nuhz lewt-fen | Your name, please |
Pasaportunuz, lütfen pa-sa-por-too-nooz, lewt-fen | Your passport, please |
Doluyuz do-loo-yooz | We are full |
telefonla rezervasyon te-le-fon-la re-zer-vas-yon | by phone |