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Оглавление Boat and ferry
A good way of experiencing Istanbul is to take a boat across the Bosphorus. You can purchase tokens (jeton) for the boats from machines located at the terminal where you board. You can also use your Istanbul public transport card (İstanbulkart), which can also be bought from kiosks (gişe) or vending machines at the terminal. Şehir Hatlari and Istanbul Fast Ferries (İDO) provide timetables and routes for boats and ferries.
gişe gee-she | ticket office |
jeton zhe-ton | token for ferry |
tarife ta-ree-fe | timetable |
varış va-ruhsh | arrival |
kalkış kal-kuhsh | departure |
deniz otobüsü de-neez o-to-bew-sew | inter-city sea bus |
1 token | bir jeton beer zhe-ton |
2 tokens | iki jeton ee-kee zhe-ton |
When is the next boat? | Bir sonraki vapur saat kaçta? beer son-ra-kee va-poor sa-at kach-tah? |
When is the last boat? | En son vapur saat kaçta? en son va-poor sa-at kach-tah? |
Is there a sea bus? | Deniz otobüsü var mı? de-neez o-to-bew-sew var muh? |
Is there a timetable? | Tarife var mı? ta-ree-fe var muh? |
How long does it take? | Ne kadar sürer? ne ka-dar sew-rer? |