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If you have a breakdown on the motorway, go to the nearest service station and ask for help. By law you are required to carry two red breakdown triangles. The Turkish Tourism and Automobile Club (TTOK) provides roadside assistance and breakdown services as well as travel advice. Check your home breakdown insurance policy to see if it covers the whole of Turkey, or only covers some regions.

My car has broken downArabam bozuldu a-ra-bam bo-zool-doo
Can you help me?Yardım edebilir misiniz? yar-duhm e-de-bee-leer mee-see-neez?
I’ve run out of petrolBenzinim bitti ben-zee-neem beet-tee
I have a flat tyreLastiğim patladı las-tee-eem pat-la-duh
Where is the nearest garage (repair shop)?En yakın tamirhane nerede? en ya-kuhn ta-meer-ha-ne ne-re-de?
Can you repair it?Tamir edebilir misiniz? ta-meer e-de-bee-leer mee-see-neez?
How long will it take?Ne kadar sürer? ne ka-dar sew-rer?
How much will it cost?Ne kadar tutar? ne ka-dar too-tar?
Collins Gem

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