Читать книгу Collins Gem - Collins Dictionaries - Страница 22
ОглавлениеYou should buy your train ticket in advance, especially on longer routes. A 20% reduction applies to students, teachers, over 60s and disabled people. Return tickets are usually cheaper than two singles. Most long-distance trains have a restaurant coach with a reasonably good menu. There are several public transport cards in major cities. They can be used on buses, ferries, metro, trains and trams. There is the IETT card – the Istanbul Transport Card (İstanbulkart) and the IDO sea transport card (for Istanbul and Izmir).
İzmir’e bir sonraki tren ne zaman?
eez-mee-re beer son-ra-kee tren ne za-man?
When is the next train to Izmir?
Saat yedide (7’de)
sa-at ye-dee-de
At 7 o’clock
Üç bilet lütfen
ewch bee-let lewt-fen
3 tickets please
Tek yön mü, gidiş-dönüş mü?
tek yurn mew, gee-deesh dur-newsh mew?
Single or return?
Gidiş-dönüş lütfen
gee-deesh-dur-newsh lewt-fen
Return please
istasyon ees-tas-yon | station |
tren tren | train |
peron pe-ron | platform |
koltuk kol-took | seat |
billet bee-let | ticket |
rezervasyon bürosu re-zer-vas-yon bew-ro-soo | booking office |
tarife ta-ree-fe | timetable |
bağlantı ba-lan-tuh | connection |
e-bilet ee-bee-let | e-ticket |
e-rezervasyon e-re-zer-vas-yon | e-booking |
Where is the station? | İstasyon nerede? ees-tas-yon ne-re-de? |
a single | tek yön tek yurn |
2 singles | iki tane tek yön ee-kee ta-ne tek yurn |
a return | bir tane gidiş-dönüş beer ta-ne gee-deesh-dur-newsh |
2 returns | iki tane gidiş-dönüş ee-kee ta-ne gee-deesh-dur-newsh |
a child’s ticket | çocuk bileti cho-djook bee-le-tee |
first class | birinci mevki bee-reen-djee mev-kee |
second class | ikinci mevki ee-keen-djee mev-kee |
I booked online | İnternetle rezervasyon yaptım een-ter-net-le re-zer-vas-yon yap-tuhm |
I want to book a seat | Bir yer ayırtmak istiyorum beer yer a-yuhrt-mak ees-tee-yo-room |
Which platform? | Hangi peron? han-gee pe-ron? |
When does it leave? | Ne zaman kalkıyor? ne za-man kal-kuh-yor? |
When does it arrive? | Ne zaman varıyor? ne za-man va-ruh-yor? |
Is this seat free? | Bu koltuk boş mu? boo kol-took bosh moo? |