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Оглавление Driving and petrol
You must carry the following equipment: two warning triangles, first aid kit, tool kit, tow rope and fire extinguisher. Driving at night is not recommended because of the lack of road markings, and the danger of hitting unlit tractors, pedestrians and animals.
Can I park here? | Buraya park edebilir miyim? boo-ra-ya park e-de-bee-leer mee-yeem? |
We are driving to… | …gidiyoruz …gee-dee-yo-rooz |
How long will it take? | Ne kadar sürer? ne ka-dar sew-rer? |
Çok hızlı sürüyorsunuz chok huhz-luh sew-rew-yor-soo-nooz | You are driving too fast |
Ehliyetiniz lütfen eh-lee-ye-tee-neez lewt-fen | Your driving licence please |
…yok …yok | We have no… |
Yağ/Su/Hava lazım ya/soo/ha-va la-zuhm | You need oil/water/air |
Where is the nearest petrol station? | En yakın benzin istasyonu nerede? en ya-kuhn ben-zeen ees-tas-yo-noo ne-re-de? |
Fill it up, please | Depoyu doldurun, lütfen de-po-yoo dol-doo-roon lewt-fen |
unleaded | kurşunsuz koor-shoon-sooz |
diesel | dizel dee-zel |
Please check the oil | Yağını kontrol eder misiniz? ya-uh-nuh kon-trol e-der mee-see-neez? |
dikkat deek-kat | caution/danger |
dur door | stop |
otoyol o-to-yol | motorway |
şehir merkezi she-heer mer-ke-zee | town centre |