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Another tip that I highly recommend is using the power of positive questions. Now, this isn’t necessarily the positive thinking mumbo jumbo (although I do firmly believe that positive thinking is better than negative thinking), but rather realizing that you will move toward what you focus on. So, although you might have to get up early and go to work whether you enjoy your job or not, why not start off the day right?

I recommend asking yourself some “Power Questions” each day so that you can help your mind to focus on that which pulls you toward your goals as opposed to that which takes you away from them. Some examples could be:

•What am I going to do today to increase my knowledge about real estate investing?

•What property can I make an offer on today?

•What can I do today to find a new deal?

I think you get the point! “What am I going to…”, “How can I…”, etc., are some great ways to begin your “Morning Power Questions”.

At the end of the day, you can ask yourself some “Evening Power Questions” to reflect on the day’s events. Some examples of these could include:

•What did I do today to increase my knowledge about real estate investing?

•What did I do today to propel me forward and assist me in finding another deal?

•What did I do today to increase my net worth and/or cash flow?

Those questions will help keep you accountable to your goals.

Now, while this isn’t necessarily a “Goal Planning” session, it’s important to realize that when you have goals, a strong desire to reach your goals, and a detailed vision of what exactly it is that you want, then you will be more motivated to do what it takes, especially if you have to find bits and pieces of time to accomplish it.

Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck!

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