Читать книгу Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck! - Cory MDiv Boatright - Страница 13



If I were to wrap this up in a single bit of advice, it would be this: Don’t end each day without doing five things to further your business. It doesn’t matter if they are small or big. I don’t mean “getting things organized so that you can get started”, I mean actions that will provide you with results.

Depending on your experience, this could be reading part of a book on investing for ten minutes, listening for twenty minutes to training program, making an offer on a property, preparing a mailout, looking at deals on the MLS, signing a lease with a new tenant, putting an ad in the paper, hanging bandit signs, closing on a deal, etc. The list of what you can do is huge - just don’t get that mixed up with trivial junk that doesn’t amount to much more than paper shuffling and busy work that doesn’t get you anywhere.

Now, keep in mind that you can’t just read, read, read, read, and read for your five things, unless you’re brand spankin’ new at this. Take an action to get ahead. Get some business cards out, order business cards, farm your target area - seriously, the tasks you could do are endless, and most of them take a very short amount of time to complete, or at least begin. You may even find that you only have to use a quarter of your wasted time each day!

What’s the key? It’s not the “five things”. It’s the “every day”. Sure, you can take your weekends off, but I don’t recommend it. You spend 40 hours a week or more working for someone else. Why not spend some time working for your freedom?

If you’re anything like me, what you will find is the following: When you make it a constant habit to work towards something, bits and pieces of time will free up. In the general order of things, I think that it is a fundamental law that consistent action is rewarded. The amount of the action isn’t important…the consistency of it is.

By consistently using the little bits and pieces of time that are typically wasted, that small amount of action will have a huge effect on the “big picture” and take you much further than if you used huge chunks of time, but were inconsistent in doing so. I would gladly take twenty minutes a day over a four-hour time slot every two weeks, and could accomplish more by focusing during that twenty minutes. It’s amazing what you can do in a short amount of time when you focus on it.

I hope that you’ve gleaned something from this chapter that you can immediately apply in your own real estate investing endeavors. If you enjoyed the tips, I’d like to invite you to check out my free “12- part Mini E-course on Real Estate Investing” at www.StreetCopMillionaire.com!

Remember…just five things a day, every day. Even if you can’t manage to do five, do something - anything. Do something every day to bring you closer to your goals. Small things lead to big, big results! Nobody is going to do it for you! What are YOU going to do today?

Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck!

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