Читать книгу Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck! - Cory MDiv Boatright - Страница 9



So, take a week and journal exactly where your time is going. You will be amazed at how much time you’re wasting. I know I was! Once you do this, you’ll have an idea of where your time is being wasted. It might not be much, but it’s something. Your job is to find that time, and schedule it for developing your real estate investing business. It doesn’t matter if it’s reading a book, going to lunch with an investor, going to a local REIA meeting, making offers, or whatever. You just have to start where you are, and plan time to do it. And then….JUST DO IT! Pick a set amount of time that you want to use for your freedom, and make it part of your schedule.

Once you have an idea of how much time you’re wasting, you have to figure out how you can begin investing with your limited time. The quickest and easiest way that I have found to invest with the least risk, effort, and time is by wholesaling, or flipping houses.

Now, I’m not talking about the type of “Flip This House” kind of flipping that you see on TV where they do a complete rehab. That’s the last thing I’d point you toward. I’m talking about finding a deal, locking that deal up, and passing it along to someone that’s looking for a deal! That was what gave me the belief that I could do this thing, and on my first deal, I made $5,000 (about six weeks of my policeman’s salary at the time) with about eight hours of work. I did it all wrong, and I spent way too much time on that one - no joke! But I did learn from my mistakes.

Instead of showing homes, now I stick a lockbox on the property, take calls, and give people the code. That’s a huge time-saver for me. If you have very little time and can’t answer calls because you have a job, then you have to adapt and overcome that limitation any way that you can!

Here are some other time-savers that I have implemented.

Instead of taking calls about each property personally, set up an outgoing voice mail message and use it as an advertisement. If they are interested in more info, have them leave a message to call you back. Now, that’s not necessarily the best thing to do, but it is something, and what I have found is that doing something is always better than doing nothing! If you make a continuous effort in the bits and pieces of time you have, and do it on a consistent basis, then you will eventually be rewarded.

Once you have done a couple of deals, you will want to reinvest that cash into making you more productive. That could be hiring someone to put up bandit signs for you, hiring someone to take the calls for you, implementing a website with a back-office management side to help you leverage your time, or whatever else boosts your productivity.

Your end goal, if you’re anything like me, is to establish a business that will provide you with cash flow every single month, whether you are at home or on a beach somewhere, sipping mixed drinks. The key to getting to that point is implementing a system.

Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck!

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