Читать книгу Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck! - Cory MDiv Boatright - Страница 6



While it is pretty evident that investing in real estate is a great way to go, I’m sure that a lot of you are wondering how to manage trying to build a successful real estate business while having a full-time career. Well, I’ve got a bit of experience in that, and hopefully in these next few pages, I can give you some ideas that will convince you that you can do this, too.

You might be in a different situation than I am. You may work more hours. You may have other things that you have to deal with. Whatever your situation is, you can work through it. That’s the key. Now, let me just give you an idea where I’m coming from, and how I’m managing things.

First, I work full time as a police officer, and will at least until I’m vested, which will occur at my 10-year mark (October 2009). I work over 40 hours a week - well, 41.25 hours per week, not counting any overtime on calls that I might get. When I started investing in real estate, I worked part-time jobs on my days off. I worked at a bank, at a school, and at numerous other part-time “gigs”. (You’ll find that most police officers have part-time jobs to supplement their income.) My wife and I had made the decision that once we had kids, Tracy would stay home to raise them. We now have two wonderful boys and we stood by our decisions, although at first we were pretty financially strapped and had very little free time.

Since we began investing in real estate, I no longer have to work any extra jobs at the Police Department to make ends meet. Of course, real estate has taken the place of those extra jobs, but investing pays a lot better, which is why I began doing this. Investing in real estate is coming close to providing me with enough cash flow to decide if, when, and how much I want to work (it’s pretty hard for me to consider my investing real work) and to spend time with my family.

Enough of my background. Let’s move on. I’ll tell you how I accomplished it, and I’ll give you some tips on how you can do the same.

What I love about real estate is that you can fit your work into little bits of time - if you do it correctly! Now, if you decide to start off with a huge rehab job with no education or experience, it will end up biting you in the end. That’s absolutely the last project I would advise you to start, both in terms of risk and time.

Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck!

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