Читать книгу Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck! - Cory MDiv Boatright - Страница 3



If you’re reading this book, it’s safe to say that you are thinking about learning to invest in real estate. Maybe you’re disappointed in what your current investments are doing. The stock market is making a lot of people nervous lately, and that isn’t doing anyone’s retirement account any favors. Maybe you’re looking for a new career, and you heard this might be an exciting way to make loads of money. Maybe you’re not sure why you’re interested, but someone said that you should find out what investing in real estate can do for you.

I get questions all the time from people who want to know how I did it. Then they want to know how THEY can do this - they want to know which area or investment niche they should focus on, and they really want to know how to fit all this into their current lifestyle. I can tell you not only MY story, but I found nine other colleagues who were willing to share THEIR stories to help you get started.

You’ll find it all here - inspiration, focus, goal-setting, brainstorming, motivation - everything you need to begin the next great phase of your life. You’ll find out how to know which investment style or strategy suits your personality, your goals, and the lifestyle you hope to have as a real estate investor. You’ll learn what it takes to make your ideal strategy work for you. By the end of the book, you will hopefully be able to see yourself as not just a successful investor, but a successful person.

Real estate can provide you with a lifestyle and freedom beyond your wildest dreams. The only thing holding you back is really you! You have the power to change your preconceived notions of why this wouldn’t work for you. You have the power to overcome your own self-limiting beliefs. And only you have the power to allow the information in this book to make a difference in your life. Most of the experts in this book started with little or nothing but the courage to take that first leap, and they have accumulated wealth, success, and freedom from a J-O-B.

Go ahead. Read on, and learn how you can make all this a part of your life, too. It may be the most life-changing decision you ever make!

Real Estate Recession Riches - Top 10 Real Estate Investing Tips That Don't Suck!

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