Читать книгу Narcissistic Lovers - Cynthia Zayn - Страница 11

QUIZ # 2


Degrees of Narcissism

Rate the level of Narcissism you feel your partner possesses on a scale of one through four.

4 = Often

3 = On occasion

2 = Rarely

1 = Never

____ Very competitive

____ Manipulative

____ Misleads and lies

____ Insensitive to your feelings

____ Controls you

____ Envious

____ Needs to be the center of attention

____ Demeaning

____ Self-Absorbed

____ Easily angered when confronted

____ Indirectly looks for attention

____ Feels their needs take priority over yours

____ Critical of your friends

____ Careless and impulsive

Total _______

Add your score total. Scores should range anywhere from 14 through 56. A total score between 43 and 56 reflects that your partner has excessive narcissistic qualities. A score between 29 and 42 indicates that your partner has a high amount of narcissistic traits. A score between 14 and 28 illustrates that your partner has a limited amount of narcissistic characteristics.

Narcissistic Lovers

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