Читать книгу Beached Whale - Daren Martin - Страница 36




In BW (Beached Whale) Companies, silos are everywhere, and

they are well protected. Teams talk about other departments and

functions with disdain, and they bemoan how ineffective they are

or how difficult they are to work with. The left hand clearly has no

idea what the right hand is doing. In fact, the two hands are often

working at cross-purposes with each other.

The business is not viewed as an interconnected enterprise but as a

bunch of bits and pieces cobbled together. Success is measured locally

by what our group did, not by the success of the overall outcome.

This is relational death within an organization, a family, or an

individual life. Any individual has many moving cells, parts, and

organs that make up the whole, yet one is just as important and

necessary as the other to function. Healthy companies, individuals,

and relationships are in synch holistically. They function as one.

Beached Whale

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