Читать книгу From Heartbreak to Heart's Desire - Dawn Maslar - Страница 7



Are you one of us women who gets her heart broken over and over again, unlike some others who seem to know how to attain their hearts’ desires? Have you ever been told that you’ve got “a broken picker”? If so, take heart—your broken picker is what keeps you choosing the partners most likely to break your heart; but healing your broken picker is what this book is all about.

What’s a picker?

Well, to begin with, it’s that part of us that chooses the men in our lives, and when it’s broken, that’s trouble! Having a broken picker can be a very painful thing. Take it from me. I know. I once had a man jump onto the hood of my car, clutching the torn-out distributor wires and screaming, “Hah, you can’t go anywhere now!” A person with a well-running picker might have leapt from the car, called the cops, or generally gotten away, fast. But no, not me. My broken picker took his actions as a sign that he must really love me—and I married him! That was husband number one, and the beginning of a string of disappointing relationships that were a sure sign that my picker was broken.

So how can you tell if you have a broken picker? Well, you might have a broken picker if:

Your date wants to go back to your place…because he still lives with his mother.

The man you just slept with didn’t call you the next day…just like his five predecessors.

You meet a man whose back is covered in tattoos of the names of all his ex-girlfriends…and you find yourself trying to figure out where he could put yours.

The man you recently started dating calls to say he can’t make the date, because his car just got repossessed.

And you definitely have a broken picker if you tell him, “That’s OK, I can drive.”

You might also have a broken picker if:

You are reading this thinking you might have a broken picker.

You are reading this thinking, “It’s not my picker. I just haven’t found the right guy.” (By the way, this is called denial.)

You read these and laughed.

You also might have a broken picker if:

You read these and didn’t laugh.

From Heartbreak to Heart's Desire

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