Читать книгу Numbers: B2+ - Dawn Willoughby - Страница 4



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Chapter 1 Getting started

look at numbers in everyday life

understand the purpose and use of statistics

learn key terms for working with numbers

learn the basics about spreadsheets

practice referring to and labelling graphics in writing

Chapter 2 Starting primary research

practise formulating research questions

understand the principles of sampling

learn how to formulate a hypothesis

Chapter 3 Research methods

understand some common research methods

understand when to use interviews, questionnaires and focus groups

understand the advantages and disadvantages of common research methods

Chapter 4 Questionnaires

understand how to write a questionnaire

practise forming polite question forms

understand different sampling techniques

understand the pros and cons of distribution methods

Chapter 5 Interviews

understand how to ask good interview questions

learn how to structure different questions

learn about the interviewer effect

learn how to use reported speech

Chapter 6 Percentages and fractions

learn how to work with percentages

learn how to understand fractions

compare fractions and percentages

use verbs and nouns and dependent prepositions

Chapter 7 Averages

learn why we use averages

learn about different types of averages

learn when to use frequency tables to find averages

learn how to choose the right average to use

Chapter 8 Presenting your data

understand the use of different visual information

use the present simple, past simple and present perfect to describe graphics

use the active and passive voice to describe graphics

Chapter 9 Describing change

represent change visually

use verbs of change

use adverbs describing change

use adjective and noun combinations to describe change

Chapter 10 Making comparisons

use graphics to compare information

use comparative structures

use superlative structures and cautious language

Chapter 11 Making connections

understand correlation

understand the effect of sample size

express links and connections

describe facts and data

Chapter 12 Working with collected data

learn how to present survey results

avoid producing misleading results from diagrams

describe cause and effect

express generalizations and specifics

use language of argumentation

use evaluative language

learn how to write conclusions

Further reading

The grammar of fractions


Answer key

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Numbers: B2+

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