Читать книгу Numbers: B2+ - Dawn Willoughby - Страница 9



Taking measurements is about finding a number that shows the amount or size of something. We are most often interested in measuring temperature, length, speed, time, capacity and mass. To make an accurate measurement, you would need to choose an appropriate measuring device and use the correct type of units on a scale. Here are some examples:


capacity The capacity of a container is its volume, or the amount of liquid it can hold, measured in units such as litres or gallons.

mass In physics, the mass of an object is the amount of physical matter that it has.

Measurement Measuring device Units
temperature thermometer degrees Celsius (°C) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F)
length ruler or tape measure centimetres (cm), metres (m) or kilometres (km)
speed speedometer metres per second (m/s) or kilometres per hour (km/h)
time clock or stopwatch seconds (sec), minutes (min) or hours (hr)
capacity measuring jug millilitres (ml) or litres (l)
mass weighing scales grams (g) or kilograms (kg)

Exercise 1

Match the correct unit of measurement with each item to be measured.

Unit of measurement Item being measured
degrees Celsius (°C ) distance between London and Paris
kilometres (km) weight of a pencil
kilometres per hour (km/h) time taken to count to ten
seconds (sec) temperature of a cup of coffee
millilitres (ml) amount of orange juice in a glass
grams (g) speed of a train

There are a number of key terms that are useful to learn when working with numbers and data. Test your knowledge of these by completing the following exercises.

Exercise 2

Use the words in the box to complete these sentences. You might need to change the form of the word.

accurate calculation fraction measurement

aggregate / total capacity mass percentage

approximately estimated maximum / minimum round up / down

1 The ________of 9, 10, 24, 6, 8, 5 is 62. It is also known as the ________.

2 The ________of the lecture theatre is 200 people.

3 Economic forecasters have ________that the economy will grow by 0.5% next year.

4 There are ________300,000 international students studying in the UK.

5 The spreadsheet automatically ________or ________to the nearest whole number.

6 The ________loan available is £5,000 and the ________loan available is £500.

7 The ________of a bowling ball is 7.25 kilograms.

8 ________measurements are essential in many scientific experiments.

Exercise 3

Use another word in the box in Exercise 2 to describe each item below.

1 1/3 ________

2 245 × 6 ________

3 98% ________

4 100 ml ________

Exercise 4

Put the word in brackets into the correct form in each of these sentences.

1 The closest ________was 2 years 4 months. (estimate)

2 There are a number of different ways to ________an average. (calculate)

3 There are ________1.3 billion people in China. (approximate)

4 The ________of another variable completely changed the outcome of the experiment. (add)

5 The values were ________and then used to find the average. (total)

6 The answers were cross-checked to ________predict the outcome. (accurate)

Numbers: B2+

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