Читать книгу The Failure of Risk Management - Douglas W. Hubbard - Страница 4

List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 2EXHIBIT 2.3 Does This Work? One Version of a Risk Map Using Either Numerical...

2 Chapter 4EXHIBIT 4.2 Example of a Loss Exceedance Curve

3 Chapter 5EXHIBIT 5.1 Risk and Probability in Economic Literature

4 Chapter 6EXHIBIT 6.2 The Exponential Utility Function Where S = $5 Million

5 Chapter 7EXHIBIT 7.2 Comparison of Uncalibrated and Calibrated IndividualsEXHIBIT 7.4 Score Distribution of Actual Ten-Question 90 Percent Confidence ...EXHIBIT 7.5 Agreement between First and Second Estimates of IT Project Failu...

6 Chapter 8EXHIBIT 8.4 Distribution of Scores from Five Different Five-Point ScalesEXHIBIT 8.5 Comparison of Scales versus Historical Data

7 Chapter 10EXHIBIT 10.1 The Normal DistributionEXHIBIT 10.2 Power-Law Distributions of Hurricane and Earthquake Frequency a...EXHIBIT 10.3 Frequency and Magnitude of Daily Price Drops in the S&P 500 and...EXHIBIT 10.4 Examples of Correlated DataEXHIBIT 10.5 Same Correlation Coefficient, Very Different Patterns

8 Chapter 11EXHIBIT 11.1 Mapping the Nonquantitative Matrix to a Simple Quantitative Rep...EXHIBIT 11.3 A (Simplified) Risk Management Cycle

9 Chapter 12EXHIBIT 12.1 Application of Robust Bayesian Method to Launch Failure RatesEXHIBIT 12.2 Conditional Robust Bayesian Method: Chance of Shuttle Disaster ...EXHIBIT 12.3 Examples of Various Distribution Types

10 Chapter 13EXHIBIT 13.1 Evolving Global Probability Model

The Failure of Risk Management

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