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So What is a Good Warm-up?


A good warm-up should include all the large muscles of your body and include movements that increase your heart rate and breathing. This is a good opportunity to listen to your body, and recognize any injury, tight spots, or restrictions that you may have to accommodate during your exercise routine.

 Go for a brisk 10–to–20 minute walk. Make sure you move your shoulders and swing your arms. Good upper extremity motion takes the stress off your back and helps you to store and release energy from your core. Don’t walk at a slow pace, this will not achieve the desired results and is actually quite hard on your back compared to brisk walking.

 Jog, or run for 10 to 20 minutes. If you are not a runner, start with a brisk walk interspersed with a few short jogs. If you are a runner, make sure you maintain a good upright posture with good shoulder movement, and make sure you land on the middle of your feet. No toe or heel running as this deactivates your gluteals and causes a lot of other problems. Treadmills are fine but do not increase your elevation too much.

 Swim for 20 minutes. If you are doing the front crawl, make sure you breathe from both sides. You don’t want your warm-up to create neuromuscular imbalances because you breathe from just one side of your body.

 Use an elliptical or ski machine for 10 to 20 minutes. Both are good for reinforcing a cross-crawling pattern, which helps establish good neuromuscular control, as well as for warming up all the big muscles of your body.

 Ride a stationary bike for 10 to 20 minutes. This option is not my first choice due to the lack of motion in the upper extremity. In terms of bike types, I prefer the use of upright bikes much more since you can maintain better posture, especially if you have a history of back pain.

 Hula-hoop for 5 to 10 minutes. Most people may not think of this as an aerobic exercise, but it is! The hula-hoop is not only a lot of fun, but it is also a great way to learn how to properly brace your core – a key concept in core stability.

Exercises for the Shoulder to Hand - Release Your Kinetic Chain

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