Читать книгу Exercises for the Shoulder to Hand - Release Your Kinetic Chain - Dr. Brian James Abelson DC. - Страница 6


Table of Contents

Exercise Disclaimer...Please read!

Foreword by Dr. Brian Abelson

Rehabilitating an Injury...do this first!

Increasing Your Performance...wait to do this!

Why you need these books

Chapter 1: Rehabilitating an Injury

The Cumulative Injury Cycle

What Can You Do About This?

Rehabilitation vs. Athletic Training

About Rehabilitative Exercise Routines

Principle 1: No Pain...All Gain!

Principle 2: Develop your Power

Principle 3: Build your Aerobic Base

Athletic or Performance Care Routines

Principle 1: Athletic Development is Not the Same as Body-Building!

Principle 2: Good Tissue Quality = Good Performance

Principle 3: Some Muscle Pain is Okay

Principle 4: Develop Your Aerobic Zone Before Working on Your Anaerobic Zone

Comparing the Benefits of Aerobic and Anaerobic Training

What is the Importance of Aerobic Warm-ups?

Improving Cellular Function with Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic Warm-Ups...how they helped resolve my injury!

So What is a Good Warm-up?

Working within your Aerobic and Anaerobic Zones

Involving Your Core

Bracing Your Core

How to Brace your Core!

Activating Your Hips

Testing your core stability

Balancing Flexibility with Control

Chapter 2: Shoulder to Hand – a Kinetic Chain

What is a Kinetic Chain?

Visualizing the Kinetic Chain

Shoulder to Arm - A Kinetic Chain

Core Stability and Your Shoulder

Case Study - Golf and Your Kinetic Chain

An Analysis of Michelle’s Kinetic Chain

Becoming Aware of your Shoulder-to-Arm Kinetic Chain

Nerve Entrapment in Your Arm

Your Hand’s Kinetic Chain

Applying Kinetic Chain Principles to Exercise

Chapter 3: What’s Special About These Exercises

What’s Special About Our Exercises

Progressing Through Our Program

Use the Beginners Routines in this book if:

Use the Intermediate Routines in this book if:

Use the Advanced Routines in this book if:

Use the Performance Routines in this book if:

How are our routines organized?

Understanding Repetitions and Sets

How long should I rest between sets?

Applying the Inverted Pyramid Structure to your sets

Setting your Exercise Tempo

Exercise Accessories and Tools

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When Exercise Isn’t Enough!

Chapter 4: What’s your Problem...Shoulder?

When to Seek Medical Care for Your Shoulder

Soothing Your Shoulder Pain

Exercises for the Shoulder and Upper Arm

Warm-up for Your Shoulder

Beginners Upper Arm and Shoulder Workout

Intermediate Upper Arm and Shoulder Workout

Advanced Upper Arm and Shoulder Workout

Chapter 5: What’s your Problem...Arm or Elbow?

Common Arm and Elbow Problems

Exercises for the Elbow and Arm

Relaxing Your Arm, Elbow, and Shoulder

Beginners Arm and Elbow Workout

Intermediate Arm and Elbow Workout

Advanced Arm and Elbow Workout

Chapter 6: What’s your Problem...Hand or Wrist?

Common Hand and Wrist Injuries

Exercises for the Hand and Wrist

Relaxing Your Hand

Beginners Hand and Wrist Workout

Intermediate Hand and Wrist Workout

Advanced Hand and Wrist Workout

Chapter 7: Performance Care for the Arm to Shoulder

A Workout for Increasing Arm to Shoulder Performance

Stretching and Myofascial Exercises

Phase A - Start with Arm to Shoulder Performance

Phase B - Intermediate Arm to Shoulder Performance

Phase C - Advanced Arm to Shoulder Performance

Chapter 8: Massage and Myofascial Releases

Massaging Trigger Points in Your Arm

Massage Your Neck and Shoulders

Arm-Across-Body Stretch

Ball Stretch for the Pectoralis

Tennis Ball – Posterior Shoulder Release

Tennis Ball – Anterior Shoulder Release

Internal-External Shoulder Stretch

Foam Roller for Your Shoulders

Chapter 9: Exercises for the Arm to Shoulder

Setting and Activating the Scapula

Ball Circles Against the Wall

Four Cardinal Points with the Ball

Bilateral Supination and Pronation

Stretching and Relaxing the Arm, Elbow, and Shoulder

Wall Forearm Extensor Stretch

Ball Stretch for the Pectoralis

Ball Stretch for Your Chest

Leaning Into the Wall

Triceps and Shoulder Stretch

Stretch Your Upper Back

Release Lateral Epicondyle on Foam Roller

Release Medial Epicondyle on Foam Roller

Release Forearm Flexors on Foam Roller

Release Forearm Extensors on Foam Roller

Strengthening the Arm, Elbow, and Shoulder

Biceps Curl

Alternating Hammer Curl

Loading the Triceps

Handball - Push and Pull

Handball – Make a V

Handball – Elbow Rotation

Loading the Triceps with a Handball

Cuban Shoulder Rotations

Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press on Ball

Lateral Raise on a Ball

Lateral Raise with Tubing

Standing Lateral Raise

Handball Rotation

Bench Dips for Your Triceps

Prone Y on the Ball

Prone T on the Ball

Prone L - Retract Your Scapula

Beginners Push-ups

Intermediate Push-ups

Strengthening the Back and Core

Beginners Four-Point Kneeling

Advanced Four-Point Kneeling

Beginners Front Bridge

Forward Bridge - Alternating Arm/Leg

Beginners Side Bridge – Knee Bent

Front-to-Side Bridge

Russian Twist with Medicine Ball

Draw a Sword

Throw a Javelin

Medicine Ball Wood Chop

Performance Care for the Shoulder

Advanced Alternating Dumbbell Press on Ball

Single Leg Lateral Wood Chop

Standing Lateral Raise

Ball Transfer on the Floor

V-Sit Medicine Ball Twist

Kneeling Swiss Ball Rollout

Swiss Ball Push-ups

Single Hand Push-ups on Medicine Ball

Push-ups with Unequal Hands

Twisting Lunge on Medicine Ball

Lunge with Medicine Ball

Bridge on a Swiss Ball

Side-to-Side Swiss Ball Hip Stretch

Chapter 10: Exercises for the Hand and Wrist

Relaxing the Hand and Wrist

Massaging Trigger Points in Your Hand

Tai Chi Chuan - Waking the Chi

Tai Chi Chuan - Withdraw & Push

Stretches for the Hand and Wrist

Stop Right There

Forearm Flexor Stretch

Subscapularis Wall Stretch


Waiter’s Tip – Nerve Flossing

Floss your Median Nerve

Floss your Radial Nerve

Floss your Ulnar Nerve

Strengthening the Hand and Wrist

One Hand Grip Strength

Two Hand Grip Strength

One Hand Grip with a Twist

Handball – Wrist Inward Curl

Handball – Wrist Lift (extension)

Lift a Beer

Handball - Twist the Doorknob

Building Hand Dexterity

Golf Ball Roll

Bharatnatyam Finger Dexterity

Isometric Finger Touch

Finger Wave

Finger Joint Rotations

Gyroscopic Strengthening

Chapter 11: Self Care Tips and Hints

Cold Therapy

Tips and Hints for Icing

When Not to Ice!

Heat Therapy

Benefits of Heat Therapy

Types of Heat Therapy

Epsom Salt Baths

Benefits of Rest


Chapter 12: Alternative Therapies to Explore

Active Release Techniques® (ART)

Graston Techniques®


Massage Therapy

Physiotherapy / Occupational Therapy

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chapter 13: INDEX

Chapter 14: Acknowledgements and Thanks


Chapter 15: Publications from Kinetic Health

Exercises for the Shoulder to Hand - Release Your Kinetic Chain

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