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Susceptibility to Stress


Does your child become easily ‘stressed’ and show a low tolerance for frustration? (Do you?!) Some children show this as hostility and aggression. Others ‘internalize’ their stress instead, and may complain of stomach aches and nausea, or generally seem solemn or withdrawn. Stress is a likely consequence of the difficulties any child may experience if he feels ‘different’. Repeated feelings of failure and humiliation will only serve to exacerbate symptoms. Do what you can to support your child, but again, that has to include feeding him a nutritious diet (and making sure he gets enough exercise). We’ll be looking in more detail at the nutrient deficiencies and imbalances that can add to mental stress in Chapter 4, and you’ll find other tips and strategies that may be helpful in dealing with stress in Chapter 10.

They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood and Learning

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