Читать книгу They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood and Learning - Dr Richardson Alex - Страница 56
What You Can Do
ОглавлениеSo, your child may or may not have a label. The great news is you can do something for him. In the following chapters I’ll explain why a varied diet based around fresh vegetables and fruit, good-quality protein, the right kinds of fats and the right kinds of carbohydrates (starches) could make a big difference to your child—and to you. We’ll also look at digestion and how it can go wrong, and I’ll point out three main things you can do to improve your child’s diet. Some helpful tips and a plan of action are provided in later chapters—but looking ahead, you should be able to ensure better health and well-being for your child (and you!) if you just stick to these essentials.
If you apply the information in this book, you may well find that your child’s mood, behaviour, attention and learning will improve—and with them, his self-esteem. Remember, though, that diet is only one component in the effective management of behavioural and learning difficulties. Make sure you let any professionals dealing with your child know that you’ll be adjusting his diet, and discuss this with them if possible. In particular, if your child is taking any medications, the levels may need to be monitored more closely.
Any good doctor should support you in implementing a healthy eating and exercise strategy—but some may be dismissive about ‘food intolerances’ or the effects of additives. If so, please feel free to show them this book or direct them to the FAB research website where they can read some of the evidence for themselves. Or find another doctor. Always remember that you probably know your child better than anyone, so don’t mistrust your own instincts and observations. Become better informed and always keep looking for support and advice from other people who are qualified to provide this—both professional experts and other parents in your position.
‘My son (12) has dyspraxia. I’ve finally worked out his symptoms are worse when he eats a high-carbohydrate diet with little protein or essential fatty acids. It’s hard work sometimes to get him to eat and exercise properly, but even he is beginning to see cause and effect, and the strategies are beginning to work.’— Abi