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Motivation is the portal to engagement. An unmotivated student has “checked out” emotionally and mentally from the learning process. Students who are motivated to learn, however, will actively seek out the information and understandings that constitute engaged learning. Just as a teacher can enjoy a teaching nirvana when a classroom is filled with students who are genuinely motivated to learn, it can be teaching hell when trying to work with students who are apathetic, bored, or even hostile; who are so compulsively obsessed with grades that they badger us incessantly to improve theirs on every assignment; or who seem deliberately to take on strategies that are self-defeating. Understanding the complexities that underlie motivation can guide us in our efforts to set up conditions that enhance students' eagerness to learn. This is a first and critical step toward increasing student engagement.

TABLE 2.4. Summary Table of Key Ideas from Motivation Theories

Continua of feelings
Helpless ⇔ Confident Controlled ⇔ Self-directed Bored ⇔ Interested
Related theories Attribution theory Self-efficacy theory Self-worth theory Expectancy × value theory Self-determination theory Expectancy × value theory
Student Engagement Techniques

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