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Introduction: Economics for the twenty-first century Notes

Part I Ideas and tools

1 What the classics know about our world; what twentieth-century economics forgot The physiocrats: Natural resources as political power Malthus and sustainability analysis David Ricardo and planetary boundaries John Stuart Mill and the steady state What twentieth-century economics forgot Notes

2 Humans within the biosphere: The paradox of domination and dependence Human evolution toward planetary dominance: The small household and the bigger one The biosphere: Interdependence and collaboration Thermodynamics and material flow analysis: A wider economics Social and natural systems, standing and collapsing together Notes

3 Governing the commons fairly Environmental history: Social and natural systems in perspective The early beginnings of environmental governance: Preservation and conservation Governing the commons, from Garrett Hardin to Elinor Ostrom Notes

10  4 Spheres of environmental justice The Marxist approach Eco-feminism Indigenous environmentalism The Cochabamba Declaration of December 8, 2000 World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth April 22, 2010 The capabilities approach Notes

11  5 Natural resources, externalities, and sustainability: A critical toolbox The economic nature of environmental goods The many values of natural resources The problem of social cost and its imperfect solutions Notes

12  Part II Twenty-first-century social-ecological challenges

13  6 Biodiversity and ecosystems under growing and unequal pressure Plants and animals Seas and oceans Fresh water Forests Land and soil Agriculture Energy Notes

14  7 Beyond EXPOWA (extraction, pollution, and waste) Physical trade Pollution and waste Resource efficiency Circular or perma-circular economy? Notes

15  8 Energy, climate, and justice Energy and climate: The carbon problem Climate policy: Mitigation Negotiating climate Climate justice: Fair and efficient Notes

16  9 Well-being and our environment: From trade-offs to synergies Well-being and sustainability: From a vicious to a virtuous cycle The health-environment double dividend Energy transition and job creation Measuring well-being, resilience, and sustainability to change policy for the better Notes

17  10 Social-ecology: Connecting the inequality and ecological crises The rise of environmental inequality Risk, Noise, and Chemical Pollution Access to natural resources (food, energy, water) Exposure to social-ecological disasters From the welfare state to the social-ecological state Reading of Figure 10.2 Notes

18  11 The social-ecological transition in context: Capitalism, democracy, globalization, and digitalization Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Democracy or “green” dictatorship? Globalization and its environmental discontent Digital and ecological transition: Friends or foes? Notes

19  12 Urban sustainability and polycentric transition What is a city? The rise of cities Justice and the city The ecological impact of cities The ecological impact on cities Toward sustainable urban systems Re-inventing the city Measuring and advancing urban well-being Fostering the “polycentric transition” Notes

20  Conclusion: Open economics Notes

21  References

22  Index

23  End User License Agreement




1 What the classics know about our world; what twentieth-century economics forgot











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The New Environmental Economics

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