Читать книгу Mobile Robots - Feitian Zhang - Страница 4
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Schematic diagram of the front‐wheel steered robot.Figure 1.2 Schematic diagram of differential‐drive robot.
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 α versus (ψ des − ψ) for α = K(ψ des − ψ...Figure 2.2 α versus (ψ des − ψ) for α = sign(ψ des ...Figure 2.3 (ψ des − ψ) versus time for α = sign(ψ des − Figure 2.4 α versus time for α = sign(ψ des − ψ).Figure 2.5 α versus (ψ des − ψ) for the control algorithm of e...Figure 2.6 α versus time for ψ(0) = 0 and ψ des = π/2, K ...Figure 2.7 ψ versus time for ψ(0) = 0 and ψ des = π/2, K ...Figure 2.8 (a) Steering angle α versus time. (b) Desired heading and ac...Figure 2.9 Construction for evaluating travel time.Figure 2.10 Path being followed by mobile robot and definition of local coor...Figure 2.11 Simulation A illustrating the heuristic steering control strateg...Figure 2.12 Simulation B illustrating the heuristic steering control strateg...Figure 2.13 Block diagram of the closed‐loop steering system in local coordi...Figure 2.14 Block diagram in original coordinates for mobile robot following...Figure 2.15 Mobile robot recovering from 2 m error while tracking a straight...Figure 2.16 Mobile robot recovering from 2 m error while tracking a segment ...Figure 2.17 Mobile robot recovering from 2 m error while tracking a gently s...Figure 2.18 (a) Trajectory in x–y space. (b) λ ψ versus time. (c) α...Figure 2.19 (a) Trajectory in x–y space. (b) λ ψ versus time. (c) α...Figure 2.20 (a) Trajectory in x–y space. (b) λ ψ versus time. (c) α...Figure 2.21 (a) Trajectory in x–y space. (b) λ ψ versus time. (c) α...Figure 2.22 (a) Trajectory in x–y space. (b) λ ψ versus time. (c) α...Figure 2.23 Trajectory in x–y space for Example 8.Figure 2.24 Trajectory in x–y space for Example 9.Figure 2.25 Trajectory in x–y space.
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Mobile robot with earth and robot coordinate frames.Figure 3.2 Frame 2 yawed with respect to frame 1.Figure 3.3 Frame 2 pitched with respect to frame 1.Figure 3.4 Frame 2 rolled with respect to frame 1.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Earth and several different coordinate frames.Figure 4.2 Local coordinate system with X axis rotated relative to east.Figure 4.3 (a) Convergence of the coordinates of the receiver position. (b) ...Figure 4.4 (a) Convergence of the coordinates of the receiver position. (b) ...Figure 4.5 Convergence of coordinates as a function of iteration number arra...Figure 4.6 Schematic diagram of a gimbaled platform.Figure 4.7 Robot trajectory based on dead reckoning, y versus x.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Sequence of measurements and estimates of the quantity, 5.0.Figure 5.2 (a) Plot of actual value, noisy measurement, and estimate of x 1. ...Figure 5.3 Plot of estimation covariance and prediction covariance versus pr...Figure 5.4 Plot of Kalman gain versus process disturbance covariance, q. Mea...Figure 5.5 Plot of estimation covariance and prediction covariance versus me...Figure 5.6 Plot of Kalman gain versus measurement noise covariance, r. Proce...Figure 5.7 (a) X coordinate versus time for front‐wheel steered robot. (b) Y Figure 5.8 (a) Plot demonstrating the convergence of the coordinate estimate...Figure 5.9 (a) Plot demonstrating the convergence of the coordinate estimate...Figure 5.10 (a) Plot demonstrating lack of convergence of the coordinate est...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Sensor‐bearing mobile robot.Figure 6.2 Diagram of a pinhole camera.Figure 6.3 Computing X–Z coordinates for ijth pixel in a digital camera usin...Figure 6.4 Sample IR images.Figure 6.5 Camera footprint with vehicle at zero yaw, pitch, and roll.Figure 6.6 Camera footprint with vehicle at zero yaw and roll, but pitched d...Figure 6.7 Camera footprint with vehicle at zero yaw and pitch, but rolled b...Figure 6.8 Illustration of single‐camera algorithm for determining length of...Figure 6.9 Setup for using stereo vision for geolocating objects of interest...Figure 6.10 Plot of hypothetical signal received at receiver 1 versus time o...Figure 6.11 Plot of the hypothetical signal received at receiver 1, travel t...Figure 6.12 Plot of the hypothetical signal received at receiver 2, travel t...Figure 6.13 Plot of hypothetical signal received at receiver 3, travel time ...Figure 6.14 Illustration of sources of received signals using time gating. O...Figure 6.15 Geometrical considerations, radar‐type sensor.Figure 6.16 P&T unit at zero yaw and zero pitch, object of interest detected...Figure 6.17 Pan and tilt unit rotated to required yaw and pitch for object o...Figure 6.18 (a) Camera pointed straight ahead. (b) Camera panned to the righ...Figure 6.19 Pan and tilt unit in scanning mode. Pan and tilt unit at nonzero...Figure 6.20 Pan and tilt unit rotated by required yaw and pitch to bring det...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Illustration of components of measurement error.Figure 7.2 IR sensor region of confidence.Figure 7.3 Expanded view of the region of confidence for IR.Figure 7.4 Region of confidence for linear array radar sensor.Figure 7.5 Expanded view of the region of confidence for radar.Figure 7.6 Convergence of region of confidence with combination of IR (dashe...Figure 7.7 Convergence of region of confidence with radar (solid) followed b...Figure 7.8 Estimated vehicle path with targets in field of view.Figure 7.9 X and Y position of target in the field of view along with extrem...Figure 7.10 X and Y position of target in the field of view along with extre...Figure 7.11 X and Y position of target in the field of view along with extre...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Plot showing the coordinates of the two detected obstacles.Figure 8.2 Plot showing the computed trajectory and the actual trajectory.Figure 8.3 Plot showing computed coordinates of two detected obstacles.Figure 8.4 Plot showing actual coordinates of two detected obstacles.Figure 8.5 Plot showing the two geo‐registered obstacles and the two compute...Figure 8.6 Plot showing the two geo‐registered obstacles and the computed ro...Figure 8.7 Plot showing the two geo‐registered obstacles and the two compute...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Robotic manipulator: waist, shoulder, forearm with angles θ 1 Figure 9.2 Schematic illustration of the robotic manipulator: side view show...Figure 9.3 Schematic illustration of the robotic manipulator: top view showi...Figure 9.4 (a) Plot of x coordinate of end‐effector versus time. (b) Plot of...Figure 9.5 (a) Plot of y coordinate of end‐effector versus time. (b) Plot of...Figure 9.6 Schematic drawing of side view of robotic manipulator with interm...Figure 9.7 (a) Specified path of end‐effector in xyz space. (b) y coordinate...Figure 9.8 (a) Specified path of end‐effector in xyz space. (b) z coordinate...Figure 9.9 (a) Specified path of end‐effector in xyz space. (b) Joint angle Figure 9.10 One of the singular configurations for the robotic manipulator....Figure 9.11 Other singular configurations for the robotic manipulator.Figure 9.12 (a) Specified of end‐effector in xyz space. (b) Joint angle θ...Figure 9.13 (a) Specified path of end‐effector in xyz space. (b) Joint angle...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Airborne vehicle with downward‐looking sensor.
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 The mass distribution of an AUV (side view).Figure 11.2 Illustration of the reference frame and hydrodynamic forces.Figure 11.3 The control input plot of the movable mass displacement in the l...Figure 11.4 The control input plot of the net buoyancy in the longitudinal g...Figure 11.5 The zigzag gliding path in the longitudinal gliding simulation....Figure 11.6 Plot of the pitch angle in the longitudinal gliding simulation....Figure 11.7 Plot of the gliding speed in the longitudinal gliding simulation...Figure 11.8 The glider cost performance index with respect to model scales....Figure 11.9 The horizontal velocity with respect to model scales.Figure 11.10 The helical vehicle path in the spiral dynamics simulation.Figure 11.11 Plot of the pitch angle in the spiral dynamics simulation.Figure 11.12 Plot of the roll angle in the spiral dynamics simulation.Figure 11.13 Plot of the yaw angle in the spiral dynamics simulation.Figure 11.14 Plot of the vehicle speed in the spiral dynamics simulation.
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 The schematic of an underwater glider with forces and moments de...Figure 12.2 Simulation results on the trajectories of the gliding angle θ...Figure 12.3 Plot of control u δ for the closed‐loop simulation with diff...Figure 12.4 Plot of gliding angle θ g for the closed‐loop simulation wit...Figure 12.5 Plot of the yaw angle with respect to different controller param...Figure 12.6 Plot of the rudder angle with respect to different controller pa...Figure 12.7 Plot of the sideslip angle with respect to different controller ...Figure 12.8 Plot of the yaw angle with respect to different controller param...Figure 12.9 Plot of the rudder angle with respect to different controller pa...Figure 12.10 Plot of the sideslip angle with respect to different controller...Figure 12.11 Trajectory of the underwater glider for controller parameters k Figure 12.12 The control system diagram with a combination of open‐loop cont...Figure 12.13 Transformed 2‐DOF control configuration in H ∞ control fra...Figure 12.14 The simulation results of the geometric parameters when trackin...Figure 12.15 The simulation results of control inputs on when tracking a ste...Figure 12.16 3D trajectory when tracking a steady spiral under the 2‐DOF con...Figure 12.17 The simulation results of the geometric parameters when the ref...Figure 12.18 The simulation results of control inputs on when the reference ...