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More than half the world live inside a circle based 106.6° E, 26.6° N, and within 4100 km of Guiyang, Guizhou Province, in southwest China. A quick snapshot of our changing world demonstrates the dramatic change that are, or will disrupt every business:

Middle world.. Global population has doubled in the past 50 years, with a shift from low to middle income groups, a new consumer generation (OECD).

Young and old.. As life expectancy has boomed, now at over 70, and births have declined, from 5 to 2.5, we live longer, with different priorities (UN).

Mega cities.. Urban populations will grow from 3.6bn in 2010 to 6.3bn by 2020, representing 96 % of the global population growth (World Bank).

Flood warning.. By 2050 at least 20 % of us could be exposed to floods, including many cities, an economic risk to assets of $45 trillion (World Bank).

Brands come and go with much more regularity, products are built across the world, small businesses work together in networks:

Business life.. Over 40 % of companies in the Fortune 500 in 2000 were not there in 2010; 50 % will be from emerging markets by 2020 (Fortune).

Made in the world.. 55 % of all products are now made in more than one country and around 20 % of services too (WTO).

Small is better.. 70 % of people think small companies understand them better than large ones. The majority of the world's business value is now privately owned.

Corporate trust.. While 55 % of adults trust businesses to do what is right, only 15 % trust business leaders to tell the truth (Edelman).

Technological innovation is relentless, currently digital and mobile, but rapidly becoming more about clean energy and biotech:

Always on.. 24 % of the world's population has a smartphone, typically checking it 150 times per day, spending 141 minutes on it (Meeker).

Digital markets.. 80 % of websites are US-based, 81 % of web users are non-US based, 70 % of the value of all e-commerce transactions are B2B (IAB).

Instant content.. Content on the internet tripled between 2010 and 2013; 70 % is now video. The half-life of social content is 3 hours (bit.ly).

Future energy.. By 2017, there will be close to $11bn in revenue from 35-million homes generating their own solar or wind power (GIGAom).

Customers feel increasingly ambivalent about brands and companies. In a world of infinite choice, their priorities and preferences have changed:

Bland brands.. 73 % of people say they wouldn't care if the brands they used disappeared; 62 % say they are not loyal to any brands (Ad Age).

Customer emotions.. 70 % of buying experiences are based on how people feel, loyal customers are typically worth 10 times their first purchase (McKinsey).

Service costs.. 7 times more to acquire customers than keep them, 12 positive experiences to make up for one unresolved negative experience (IBM).

Family life.. The amount of time parents spend with their children continues to go up, fathers spend three times more than 40 years ago (Meeker).


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