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A Delicate Balance of Multiple Inputs


Reputation is an outcome of organizational behavior, values, decisions, and actions. Unlike traditional tangible assets, it is both multidimensional and fluid. Although intangible, reputation management can be integrated into business planning and operationally embedded into organizational approaches across business units and geographies to positively affect a company’s valuation, sales, employee morale, performance, partnerships, and a host of other critical areas.

Reputation can be leveraged for strategic advantage through insights gained from the scientific application of real-time big data analytics and multidisciplinary approaches.

Building reputation is not an entirely new idea. But the application of scientific methods incorporating advanced analytics brings new capabilities for prediction and optimization, which reveal new opportunities and genuine advantages.

More than just a technique for managing reputation, Reputation Strategy is derived from a carefully orchestrated set of scientific processes that create and sustain competitive advantage in a turbulent world.

Reputation is not monolithic. It is assembled from thousands of data points across stakeholder groups and markets. Thus, reputation is complex and cannot be simplified to a single score or index. A forward-thinking organization will take deliberate steps to monitor and analyze data that might affect its reputation. More important, it will take proactive steps to build its reputation on a solid foundation, one brick at a time.

I believe that data is the key to successful Reputation Strategy at virtually every level. Our ability to ingest and integrate multiple data sets from a wide variety of sources is changing the practice of communications. Organizations that are using data and data science to support communications in these ways will be more competitive and the insights generated will inform a more effective strategy.

Reputation Strategy and Analytics in a Hyper-Connected World

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