Читать книгу Igniting Customer Connections - Frawley Andrew - Страница 12

Part One
Connect with Your Customers —Now
Chapter 1
The New Marketing Landscape
Marketing Isn't a Mystery Anymore


Consumers are smarter about marketing now. Back in the day, they just passively accepted whatever came through their TVs. They didn't have a choice. It was just there. Now, thanks to a broader awareness of what marketing is, people know when they're being marketed to – and they have the power to block, ignore, undermine, or opt out of the deluge of messaging and media coming through all of their many screens. After all, we live in a multiscreen world – which is great for reaching more prospects via the channels they choose. But more marketing can also mean messaging overload, customer fatigue, and diminishing returns. And the consumer holds the device – whether it's a mobile phone, a tablet, or a laptop. So consumers are in control. They will choose the channels that deliver the most relevant experience and seamless buying process, and will ignore the rest.

Igniting Customer Connections

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